Jihyo - Taking her out

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That pretty lady up there is my wife❤️

Requested by:nosananolife09

Female reader

(You're TWICE's 10th member)


I planned to visit Jihyo after finishing my schedule for today.

"Nayeon unnie, I'm going now" I said "Be careful" She said and I nodded.

I went in my car and drove to her location.

I arrived at the place and called our manager "Oppa, can you pick me up outside?" I said "Wait for me" He said and I hummed.

I waited for a few seconds "Come in" He said and I smiled.

We entered "Y/N!" Jihyo called and hugged me.

"Are you almost done?" I asked and she nodded "One more scene left" She said and we sat down.

"Jihyo, ready?" The director asked and she nodded.

She danced and made a mistake "I'm sorry" She said and giggled.

Time skip...

She finished filming her performance project.

"I'm just gonna change my clothes then we can go" She said and I nodded.

She left "Manager Oppa" I called "I'll take Jihyo out, we'll use my car so you can go first" I said and he smiled.

"Be careful" He said and I nodded.

"Y/N, Jihyo's calling you" Our stylist said and I followed her.

I laughed when I saw her with messy hair.

"Let me take a picture" I said and she smiled.

"By the way, you should hurry" I said "Why?" She asked "I'm taking you out" I said and she gasped.

"Your treat?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'll be done in five minutes" She said "I'll wait in my car" I said and she nodded.

I got in my car and played some music while waiting.

Jihyo got in my car "I'm here" She said and giggled.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked "Where should we go, my love?" She asked and smiled.

"I still can't believe you're my girlfriend" I said "Then should I break up with you?" She asked and I frowned.

"Whatever" I said and and started driving.

"It's better if we stay like this, right?" She asked "Like what?" I asked "Our relationship as a secret" She said.

"With only the members and our managers knowing?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm okay with it" I said "As long as you love me" I added and smiled.

"You're stuck with me" She said "Forever" She added and laughed.

"Then good for me" I said and pecked her lips.

She hit my chest "Focus on the road" She said "Chill, I just wanted to kiss you" I said and she laughed.

Thank you for 200k reads<333

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