Chaeyoung - Vacation

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"Wake up" I said and tickled my girlfriend's sides "Chaeyoungie, wake up" I said "Stop" She said without opening her eyes.

"Please, we planned our vacation today" I said and she stood up "I almost forgot" She said "I'll take a bath first" She said and I giggled because of her cuteness.

She took a bath while I wait for her "Done" She said "Let's go?" I asked and she nodded.

We went in the car and I drove "I missed having dates with you" She said "Same here but atleast you get a week off from work" I said and she smiled.

We arrived at the resort and head to our villa "Do you want to swim already or have a nap first?" I asked "Swimming" She said and smiled.

We change into our swimming attires "You look beautiful" I said "Thanks" She said "Just 'thanks'?" I asked and she giggled.

She pecked my lips "Thank you" She said and I smiled.

We went to the pool area "There's no one here" She said and I giggled "I rented the whole place so we'll have fun and also for your privacy" I said.

She hugged me "Thank you for doing that" She said and I hugged her back "Of course, you are TWICE's Chaeyoung so I must protect you" I said.

"Can you apply sunscreen at my back?" She asked "Me?" I asked "Yes" She said and hand me the sunscreen.

I don't know why I'm nervous "Apply it now" She said and I nodded.

I applied the sunscreen on her bare back "It's my first time touching your bare back and I'm nervous" I said and she giggled "Don't be" She said.

I managed to apply it at her back "Let's swim" She said and we jumped on the water.

I hugged her "You're so small" I teased "You're just tall" She said "Whatever" I said.

She pecked my lips that made me surprised "Why?" I asked "Nothing. I just missed your lips" She said "Only my lips?" I asked "I missed those soft lips the most" She said and I smiled.

"I'm so lucky to have you" I said "I am luckier to have someone like you, you still love me even though I'm always busy and I don't get to be with you as much as I want" She said.

"But you're always spending you're days off with me" I said and splashed water to her making her roar.

She chased me "COME BACK HERE!" She shouted angrily "Wrong move" I mumbled.

She chased me and slapped my arm "This is gonna be a long and painful vacation" I said "Stop teasing me and I won't hurt you" She said "Whatever. You always hurt me" I said and giggled "It's your fault anyways so don't blame me" She said.

"You're too cute when you're mad, my love" I said and pecked her cheek "But that doesn't give you the right to tease me all the time" She said and I laughed.

Twice Oneshots x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora