Jeongyeon - Over

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Jeongyeon and I went on a café for our small date.

She sat infront of me and we talked for a while.

"Do you remember the time when we first met?" I asked and she nodded "You were so shy back then" She said "I'm your fan so I had mixed emotions, happy, nervous, excited" I said and giggled.

"I remember when you asked me out after 7 months of going out as friends" She said "I was surprised when you said yes" I said "Why?" She asked.

"Because I never though that you'll like me" I said "You thought I have high standards?" She asked and I nodded.

"I wanna take back time" I said "I wanna know what went wrong" I added "We're inlove back then but what happened now?" I asked her.

"I don't know" She said "Maybe we both got tired?" She said "Is it over now?" I asked "Are we over now?" I added and she nodded.

"Can we stay as friends?" I asked and she nodded "I'd love to" She said and smiled "I really though we're gonna last long" I said and giggled.

"I guess we met to be friends and not lovers"  I said and smiled "I was lucky to be yours" She said "I'm luckier" I said and she smiled.

"I better get going now" She said "Will you tell the girls or I will?" I asked "They'll be disappointed either way" She said "I'll do it" She said "Tell them that I'm sorry for disappointing them" I said "They also thought we'd last long" I added and she nodded.

"See you" She said "Take care" I said and she left.

How do you know when it's over?
Maybe when you feel more inlove with your memories than with the person standing infront of you.

We reached 6k reads on the first day of 2021!! You guys are amazing so here's another chapter for you❤

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