Mina - Compensation

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Part three of "Clingy".

Requested by:Minamahluv


Mina unnie has been chasing me since she found out that I broke her gaming computer.

"UNNIE, GIVE ME A BREAK!" I shouted and sat on the couch.

She hugged me as tight as she can "I won't escape" I said and she looked at me.

"I promise" I said and she let go of me "Go change your clothes" I said "Why?" She asked while panting.

"We're going somewhere" I said "What if I don't want to?" She said "Just go" I said "I'll pay for everything" I said and she immediately stood up.

"Wait for me" She said and went in her room.

I sighed and went to my room to change my clothes.

I went out of my room and saw Mina unnie waiting "Let's use my car" I said and she nodded.

We went out and entered my car.

I started the engine "Where are we going?" She asked "Mall" I said "Date?" She asked "No. Ew" I said and she glared at me.

I started driving while she plays some music.

Time skip...

We arrived at the mall and she clung into my arm which I already got used to.

"Where do you wanna buy your gaming computer?" I asked "What?" She asked as she was confused.

"I'm buying you one" I said "Compensation?" She asked and I nodded.

She excitedly dragged me to a store "Choose whatever you like" I said and she smiled.

I looked at her while she looks around the store "Unnie, you look pretty" I said "Me?" She asked "Of course" I said "Thank you" She said.

I mean, she looks beautiful all the time.

"I want this one" She said "That's it? Don't you want anything else?" I asked and she shook her head.

I asked for the salesman "Can we have two of this gaming computer?" I asked and he nodded.

"Eh? Why two?" Mina unnie asked "I want one" I said and she giggled.

"And can I also have one gaming chair?" I asked sand the salesman nodded.

"What about you, unnie?" I asked "I'm good. Mine is still in good shape" She said and I nodded.

I also bought other things and accessories for my setup.

I paid for everything and asked the salesman to accompany us to my car since we bought a lot and it is heavy.

We walked on the way to my car "Do you want to eat before going home?" I asked "Yes. I'm hungry" She said.

We arrived at the parking lot and the salesman helped us transfer the things in my car.

We thanked him and headed to our favorite restaurant.

"Aren't you broke yet?" Mina unnie asked "Nope. Why will I be?" I asked "You bought expensive things" She said "I'm still earning money. This is nothing" I said and she laughed.

She took pictures of me "Should I post this on our Instagram account?" She asked and I nodded.

"What caption would be great?" She asked "My driver for today" I said "You think so?" She asked "Yes" I said.

Time skip...

We arrived at the restaurant "What's yours?" I asked "Pasta" She said and I ordered our food.

Our food arrived after a few minutes and she took pictures of me again.

"Stop with the pictures and eat" I said and she placed her phone down.

"Thank you for the food" We both said and ate.

"I enjoyed today. Thank you" She said and smiled.

"It's nothing. I'm sorry for breaking your computer" I apologized and smiled.

"Unnie" I called "Yes?" She asked "Let's play later, okay?" I asked and she giggled.

"Fix your setup first" She said "You'll help me, right?" I asked and she nodded.

Time skip...

We went back home "How was the date?" Jihyo unnie asked "Fun" I said "So it really was a date?" Mina unnie asked and I nodded.

"Why are you carrying a lot of boxes?" Jihyo unnie asked "We bought something" I said "Can you lend us a hand?" I asked and she gladly helped us.

I went in my room "We should have another room" I said "What room?" Mina unnie asked "Gaming room" I said.

"What if we just use my room as gaming room?" I asked "Where will you sleep?" She asked "Your room" I said.

"Fine with me" She said and I smiled.

"Where's my clingy Mina unnie?" I asked "She's sleepy" She said "You should go and sleep already" I said "I can do this" I said.

"You sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Go and rest now, unnie" I said and she nodded.

"Just call me if you need help" She said and I nodded.

"I'll follow you once I finish this" I said and she nodded.

"Let's play tomorrow" She said and I nodded.

"Night night" I said "Night" She said and left my room.

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