Chapter 38

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Dogday was still asleep as Alya and Angel went to school the next day, and also around noon when Mommy Longleg visited again. "He hasn't woke up at all?" She asks in worry. "No, and I'm not sure if I should wake him up myself or keep waiting, it's not like him to sleep until noon, he's a morning puppy" Catnap said with a frown as they both towered Dogday's sleeping form. Dogday was blissfully unaware of their presence as he was curled up in a snug little position. Paws tucked close to his chest, tail curled around his form, hind legs curled up close to his torso. He had a small smile on his face, and his ears would twitch the smallest amount, a small yip or two would also escape his sleeping form, other then that he was just a fuzz ball on the couch. Mommy and Catnap both decided to get some tea in the kitchen, none had the heart to wake up Dogday as he slept so peacefully. "Angel and Alya should be back any minute now" said Catnap, as he stirred his camomile tea. "Oh good I hope I get to see them again, they were so cute" Mommy smiles looking out the window seeing Hoppy and Chicken sneaking out again, she winks towards them, and they smile and wave as they disappear into the vent.

"Huggy we're here!" Hoppy smiles up at the blue monster as he turns towards them smiling back. "You two ready?" He asked the two Smiling Critters in front of him as they eagerly nod their heads yes.

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