Chapter 006: Granddaughter

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Chapter 006: Granddaughter

Kidnapping is a serious crime in any country.

Rex didn't have any opportunity to butt in before Amanda told them, "Mom, Dad... in the accident, it's not only Rex that survived, he also had a baby brother. He's 3 years old and he was taken away from the hospital I was working for on the same night Rex went missing and the news of the Kingsley Doctors dying in the road accident went global. Rex, show them... show them what you showed me last time."

Rex hesitated and looked at Amanda, then to her parents, then clenched his fists and stood up.

He went to the metal railings of their stairs and with a simple reaching gesture, he twisted the metal rail with the thickest width as if it was sponge.

The thing is, the metal sponge didn't turn back to its original shape and remained 'twisted' with Rex's hand size and shape clearly seen in it.

The husband and wife's eyes went wide in shock at the sight of it. Rex just twisted a 4in thick metal railing as if it was nothing.

"How did..."

"Right now, my strength should be around thrice than that of an ordinary man's. My thinking ability and reaction speed are also the same. Although I haven't tried it, I think I can run for almost an entire day at full speed and only sweat a little. But in exchange for all these gifts... I have difficulty trying to sleep as my senses are sharper and my thoughts are just too fast as the input of information from my surroundings are too many. I... I had to use special means just to get a good night's sleep."

Although Rex only told them half-truth for these so called 'gifts' are all product of Cortana's 1.2% integration of the NanoMechs left in his body, it's still not far-offed to the truth. In fact, it was a jacket to cover the truth of the matter regarding his gifts.

He went back to his seat and told them, "With the limits of the brains unlocked, the body should also follow. Before, I was only 1.6m high but right now, I am already 1.8m high and I think I'm still growing, the more food I consumed."

Anna became interested. It's as if her initial shock was only temporary and that she was now looking at an animal from the zoo seated on her furniture.

"What's the connection with your food to your... unique condition?"

Rex, forcing a calm face, replied, "Using the law of equivalent exchange... the brain needed to make the body adapt to its capabilities so it had to model it according to its necessity. The resources needed for this to be done are an enormous amount of food... that I had to consume everyday until I reached saturation point, and the remodeling of my body reaches its peak state and limits."

Russell was still looking skeptical but he also can't deny the fact that that railing Rex just twisted was a real solid piece of metal.

"Considering your situation... and if all of it are all in fact...... facts... you mean to say that amongst us normal men, you are the only exception?"

Rex's brows cringed. He felt the implying meaning to these words meant that he was a freak of nature that shouldn't even associate to their daughter.

He felt scared but he knew he had to face it so he steeled his determination to fight for Amanda.

"For now, yes."

"For now?" Russell raised a brow.

Rex explained, "Just like what Amanda said earlier, it's only a matter of time before there are others like me emerge from the players of Terroa."

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