Chapter 089: The Surrounded Guest Palace

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Chapter 089: The Surrounded Guest Palace

High risk and high return; isn't this what she had always wanted? But after knowing the truth, she found out that she was actually trembling out of fear for some reason.


It only took her a few moments before a look of resolve flashed on her face.

"It's alright. I am still willing." She declared.

"Heh... you are brave." Siva was honestly amused.

Julian had no idea that as of this moment, she was about to undergo a mission bigger than anything she had ever been to in her contracts in the past.

"Okay then, if you're really this determined, then I will ask you a few questions as well as request for you to... take a flight and live on another country."

are you willing?

Siva didn't voice out this question and instead let her put the thought into consideration herself.

After a few moments of deliberation, she nodded at him, "Alright. Give me the instructions."

Siva was actually surprised.

He didn't expect for her to actually agree to it.

"Why are you... you know, you are a woman and you are going to live on a dorm. Although you are the first to live there, I am planning on sending a few of my people there as well. Are you willing to live in a place with men?"

A devious look flashed on her face, "Are they at least cute men?"

Siva paused and thought of the face of the Martial Artist Kanzu that he defeated and nodded.

"One of them at least." He professed.

Julian giggled and answered, "Then I am willing."


For some reason, one of his problems are solved in a manner he least expected.

Thus, Siva didn't waste time and took her info and arrange a flight and pocket money for her. After he sent her enough money to buy a few things, he also sent Cortana's bugs to infiltrate her home.

After finding out that she was clean, she sent the money as her advance payment and gave her the plane-ticket reference number.

Her scheduled move to her new life happened as fast as she was breathing.

Lastly, Siva made her swear a Heavenly Oath that pertained to keeping secrets and only following orders that came from him or someone he had authorized to.

She was surprised about the thunder that follows after the oath was taken but aside from that, she's still calmly awaiting her next command.

"Since we're already here, I will expect many great things from you."

"I will do my best boss!"

"And don't brag about any of this to anyone else!"

"I know boss, what spy would expose herself with something as stupid as posting about it on FB?"

"Hoh? Then why are you smiling like a cheshire?"

"I'm just excited!"


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