Chapter 118: The Conclave

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Chapter 118: The Conclave

Rex was on the veranda, gripping the rails as hard as he could, his chest heaving up and down as his heart fumed in rage. Amanda caressed his back in a smooth gesture, pacifying him. Her cheeks also flushed pink in anger along with her teary eyes.

The man with her was angry but more than that, he was also trembling in fear. He was very scared.

It was because he failed to rescue Baron.

Back in Dakar, who would have thought that that sealed space that Gabriel's "detection" couldn't pierce thru would be protected so heavily by not only technological inventions, but also by a Barrier Spell so powerful that it invoked on him memories of facing the impregnable defenses of the ancient forgotten [Gods].

That "familiar feeling" he got provoked the wrath in his heart and as much as he destroys and hack the facility's protections, even with Killing Zone, that Barrier Spell, assumed to be at Tier-9 or 10, still held on despite his attacks.

It should be noted that with Siva's current strength level, the City-Wide Defenses recognizes him as a threat so each time he bears his fangs inside any city, unless it was a city the size of Jeremiah, the [Safe Zone Status] of the city is immediately lifted and not just on that specific district or quadrant.

He was unable to peer open the space beyond the Barrier Spell, but he could feel that Baron was in there... and so he raged on for not being able to get in, and threw in all attacks he could, even to the point of using artillery cannons. Even when he used Scion's spells, the Barrier persisted and the space beyond remained inaccessible to him. The Barrier Spell still remained intact. Additionally, the commotion he created alerted the entire facility so people began swarming in at him. It was trouble he couldn't possibly allow.

Although Siva did not fear anyone, they became a hindrance to him. And then, amongst the crowd, he spotted the Seventh Elder and just when their gazes met, the Seventh Elder immediately sensed the danger and logged out.

It sent Siva mad that he almost smashed the whole facility, only to stop after being advised by Cortana that it might become dangerous for Baron later.

The City Lord immediately raised the City Barrier and isolated him. Yet before he got kicked out and overwhelmed by the City Barrier's isolation ability, he still managed to destroy a random hangar with a parked warship using a hundred Lightning Flash Bombs that he "threw" at it from 10km away.

After that, he jumped out of Dakar but still left the Sword Master lingering there somewhere.

It was easy to think how he sent the [message] in.

* * * * *

Amanda saw Rex broke apart like glass in front of his brother's room back then when he himself has just gotten out of a major operation to restore his neck injury.

Though he knew that it was harmful for his health to cry at the time, he still couldn't help breaking as he saw Baron's condition. Even she couldn't help tearing up when remembering Rex crying in front of the glass window and seeing Baron, bandaged, unconscious, with his life supported only by tubes.

Amanda understood rex's pain and of course the sources of his anger.

Though they secured the True Dragon who's now stunned to unconsciousness in a multiple isolated spatial coordinates in Mundus (for they can't bring it with him back in Asgard because of the natural anti-spatial control it emits as a True Dragon), the next objective in Rex's plan was to sneak Baron out of Dakar because they were pressed in time as now that he had made his move against the Blue Card Legion, Kira would definitely use her claws to deal a revenge strike at him.

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