Chapter 052: Offer

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Chapter 052: Offer

Unknown to them, Siva was having a talk with his useful adjutant in his mind.



'Success Rate?'

[Brain integrity is normal. Success rate Increased to 4% from initial estimations.]

'It's still too low. What did we gain with Kyle?'

[Using your brain as a map, sir, I've discovered a few cranial patterns pertaining to his skills and a few memories of the last 24hrs. Although a little vague, those memories are still useful data with all other gains catalogued and recorded.]

Cortana had been fused with his brain.


Yet even until now, Cortana had only mapped out 70% of Siva's entire brain because the rest of its 'memory region' was sealed by some kind of lock even she, with her level of imbedded technology, can't put a finger to test casually. In the end, Rex had to put up with experimentations along with all of her incessant wrong timing jokes and inserts in order to stimulate brain activity and thus enables her to map out his 'unknown' neural channels.

The [Seal] they thought that were already lifted is only half truth. A certain part of Siva's [memories] that pertained to his memories of Ragnarok was still inaccessible even with Cortana being already a part of his own body.

Rex Kingsley knew why Cortana can't fully map out his neural channels even though she is fully 'installed' into his brain.

It's because there was that —the missing part of what makes him [Siva], the complete form as both the person called Rex Kingsley, and the Immortal and God [Siva].

Right now, he was nothing more than Siva —and these memories that he has was nothing more than acquired memories from Rex Kingsley which now is finally a part of him.

When he first came back into this world of Terroa upon AG's compulsion, he was Rex Kingsley: the confused and desperate boy, his old self's 'wish' for a new life outside the pain and suffering of all the losses he'd felt as The Immortal. And then he remembered [everything] during the invasion that befallen Terroa lately, everything that was him as The Immortal... he remembered it all despite not wanting to but it also had its advantage. At least at that time, he discovered the truth of the matter of the reason that drove him to become [The God of Destruction].

If he should put it into words, to complete himself as the "true person" named Rex Kingsley... to be able to complete and perfect the kind of strength that he sought and required upon himself at the shortest time possible, Siva knew that he had to complete his [memories]... and that means Siva had to uncover the rest of this lock zone in his neural pathways —which is the problem they are currently facing at the moment.

Right now, he can't forcefully uncover it and so he had to slowly experiment with these NPCs and unlock it —which again brings them back to their original issue of not having enough of referential data to establish their findings into.

'Since we've gotten some useful memories from Kyle, are we able to use them practically?'

[I need time to analyze and filter useless data on them, sir. it may take half a day here in Terroa.]

Siva made a mental sigh in their thought-link.

'If only they didn't lock my brain and take away something from it...'

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