Chapter 139: Attack

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AN: This chapter has an illustration so please don't forget to download it. Also, the illustration works perfectly with a dark background. Preferably black since it was in PNG format. My bad.

Chapter 139: Attack

He slowed his running speed and pretended to look for targets, prone-positioning himself among bushes beneath a relatively widely-trunked tree.

'How much processing resources are you using?'

[At the current deadlock, it's 15%. If I use more, I will put more strain on you. This is your tolerance limit at your current physical body's fitness level, in relevance to the currently synchronized amount of NanoMech components. If we want to increase this tolerance limit, we need to control more NanoMechs on your body. But it needs time and there're no shortcuts into it.]

Rex clicked his tongue in annoyance. Although it wasn't painful, the fact that it was a prolonged headache, the longer it stays, even if the intensity doesn't increase, the pain will still slowly erode his concentration thereby making him more sensitive to it, making the low-grade pain higher by every passing minute. Worst off, there was no way to make it go away aside from either defeating this invader or driving it out of the echelon's domain.

'Are you currently using the Backup Hardware in the house to sustain my lack of tolerance?'

[I am, sir. The entire Echelon Network was also in full activity using gathered processing resources all around the world.]

'Shit. Have they discovered that we've hacked the Chronos Office?'

[Negative sir. There was no scan conducted in the local network in the hotel and the connected local LAN Connection is safely functioning without any scanning sequences.]

then it means it's an external scanning from an online connection prompted by other reasons.

'Do our tapped video feeds and fake data scan projections to the Office affected by my shortage of processing tolerance?'

[Negative sir. I've included all present processes in the initial scanning parameters report. Raising the processing resources will increase the chance of pushing back the attack by a little but it would put more strain on your mind. To not affect your current performance, my analysis of available data suggested that this is your safety limit. Increasing the data-processing intensity will shave off more of your tolerance limit and this will reflect as a pain on the same level of using [Focus] in succession.]

Rex secretly cursed. If only they've set up the "cage" to trap the [Database] much earlier, he can face it off and this won't affect their current plans.

His pain was pretty tolerable but he didn't know if this would persist one or two hours later on. What more, there was also the aching of his left hand to consider as well. He can't use it well although the arm itself was 40% okay and is still 50% workable along with the undulating pain.

In short, Rex's [tolerance] for Cortana's advanced AI-processes was only 15%... everything included.

If he had not chosen to assemble an External-HD for Cortana, who knows if it could even reach up to 10% —in other words, not only did he had to up his controllable NanoMech Components, Rex also had to make it so that his physique would catch up to all these "installed" add-ons in his body.

But the thing is... only Cortana was able to touch these "NanoMechs" in his body. And as much as he wanted to help, she already said that it only needs time, nothing else, as it has no shortcuts.

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