Chapter 057: Balaam's Prophecy

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AN: Okay. So many of you guys might have become confused with the last part of last chapter so let me get this straight....

...................It was because of this chapter.

Chapter 057: Balaam's Prophecy

Terroa Day Today...

It was just a few hours after the events in Terroa that killed numerous players and NPCs, and right now, Brad Goldini was reporting another breaking event that's currently happening in Dragona.

[If you can remember, it hasn't been two months ago that Siva had somehow turned into Mefisto and attacked this city! But look at it now. LOOK. AT. IT. NOW!!! It's unbelievable! Hordes of NPCs are arriving —and all of them, and I mean ALL OF THEM are members of that now notorious group of villains, the Church of the Blood Dragon God!]

Warships that haven't been seen before are now swarming over the airspace of Dragona.

The Players that's been in there as part of their quests or missions were killed, sacrificed, or are all driven away by these NPCs... and from those videos and posts of the Players, the NPCs that drove them away from Dragona were very strong!

Brad Goldini was inside the game, flying on his rented Sky Wyvern in the skies not too far away from the Port City.

From the sea, black dots slowly began to gather in numbers and they were all heading towards in this direction while on the lands and on the sea itself, were red-clothed individuals —all members of the Church— flying or running over to come at the fastest time to join their fellow church mates already in the city.

Seen from his angle, the Pagodas that used to be the sight-seeing attractions of the city that gave it its nickname "City of Lights" have already been repaired but instead of their usual red and wood coloured lusters, they all had a dull metallic shine.

Dragona looked more like a fortress now than a tourist attraction.

In some parts outside the walls, fights were still happening. Flashes of spell lights and abilities still coloured the horizons, and the once isolated hills are now the site of a battlefield.

On the far horizon in the sea, warships belonging to allied Players and NPC organizations began to approach. Numbering almost 20, this was by far the largest gathering of warships ever recorded, and perhaps ever seen, here in the game.

Arial dogfights where thousands of Cyclones are dancing in the air to avoid their Vulcan Cannons, and many airborne Players and NPCs blotted the skies of the once peaceful Port City of Dragona.

Many black dots crash landed into the seas and if one was in the vicinity, they'd see that below that trouble waters were swarms of Sea Monsters in a feasting gallery at this rare banquet.

Brad was lost for words. Even his energy at this scoop vanished as he watched the catastrophe.

[Ladies and gentlemen, I, Brad Goldini, have yet to see a more... fear-inducing war scene in my entire life, even in movies, than this event...]

The 20 warships of the allied forces formed their formations; cannon shots fired and even from his location, Brad Goldini could still feel the rattling of the exploding artillery shells on the cylinders of their modern-day culverins of destruction.

Kilometers of distances were nothing when faced with the might of a warship's cannons.

[Camera, focus in there! There! Oh my good lord and savour! Ladies and gentlemen... those large warships in the distance from the allied countries are from the kingdom coalitions of Jeremiah! This is a coalition of different cultures from the central continent, from the Kingdom of Jeremiah!]

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