Chapter 009: Invitation

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Chapter 009: Invitation

Rather than an adventure, what Siva wanted to do was know what exactly he had left in Chronos and how exactly was he connected to that place.

As far as he can remember, that entire "gap" within his memories between the 'death' of Terra and the start of the War of the Braves, was all spent during his isolation after his corruption... and Chronos is the place he had spent that isolation period.

During his breakthrough into becoming a real 'God' of this universe, Mefisto corrupted him... as such, he ended up destroying everything around him and killing without discrimination for allies and foes.

It was the precursor to Ragnarok.

Mefisto, back then, corrupted him. He knew it. He was aware of it but was powerless to do anything about it until later on when he vented his rage into a sufficient enough amount to calm down. That's where he forcefully took over his body and chose to isolate himself in an island in an uninhabited planet far, far away from everybody else.

Without care in the world around him, he spent his years there... alone... and even right now, this Siva has no exact recollection of what exactly he did in that 'island'... that these 'Mortals' —the Terrans— consider an actual continent.

"In the end, that planet at the farthest reaches of the Universe has become the last bastion of [Life] and the only stronghold of the Terrans."

Siva was doing nothing more than just recollection but to Akhenaton who attended to him, these little mutterings from him reflected the things Siva was worrying about. As his aide and follower, the ex-emperor turned butler was also worried about his charge's concerns.

As the entire island was his "body", he was aware of the existence of these [Immortals] that had a very distinct difference and similarities to the past 'Immortals' that he was aware of. Based alone on their conversations around the castle, there exists a world full of Immortals and this "Siva" in front of him right now was nothing more than his [Avatar].

To Akhenaton, or perhaps to the other existences on his level, this concept of "Immortals" going to their world using their [Avatars] to play, was a very unthinkable and unimaginable notion that the mere thought of it pains him greatly.

In fact, he even had a thought before... based on a rumour from a forgotten ancient era even to the standards of an Immortal...

.....that there was a [world] beyond their world, and that world is called the Heavens of the Gods...

. —Valhalla—

—to which all great Immortals who died in the lands of battle shall return in triumph and bask in glory.

"(Is that the name of the world he came from?)"

As many speculations he had in mind Akhenaton could only mutter them in his heart secretly as he knew that there would be no one to confide these secrets to in this castle.

Still, Akhenaton knew that Siva was different from the rest of these Immortals. For Siva was a God in this world —and he trusted he was also a very high ranking [God] in the world of the Immortals as well.

Siva's thoughts and his realizations, as well as the thoughts of the butler behind him all came in just a few short moments after his arrival.



"I want you to prepare for a jump, just in case. We will be journeying to the southeastern most side of the planet so find a coordinates that we can jump the island into, unnoticed, towards the southeast."

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