Chapter 131: Are You Worthy Of Respect?

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AN (19-FEB-2019): I know I'm slow. I'm sorry. I'll write faster. It's just hard right now with the house in debt and it's affecting me writing mood and thinking ability. I'm really sorry. Here're your chapters. This week's update (Chapter 161 - 165 in Patreon) is 12 chapters' worth, just like the last update.


AN: in this chapter, please take the difference in the word-usage of [Units] and [units]. [Units], in the military lingo, are generally used for the entire 'immediate organization' of the context (ex: when looking at the structure of the Military, a "Platoon" is a Unit and as a Unit, it is made up of smaller Squads (typically four squads per platoon) as the Elements; while all these Squads are also a Unit, made up of Soldiers, as these soldiers are then called the Elements making a Squad. But that's leveling it down. When looking up, the [Unit] one level higher than a Platoon is a Company so its Elements then are the Platoons (usually five-six Platoons per Company). One level higher is a Battalion and its Elements then were called the Companies (usually four-five Companies); you get the gist, yeah? No? Okay. Basically, consider a Unit as being made up of Elements as going one level down or higher makes no difference as it was still considered a Unit as a whole). So after you read something with a capital "U" in the Unit in there, I mean it as a Proper Noun. On the other hand, my use of the [units] then is plainly to describe these [Units] as a proper noun (not sure if it's a pronoun or something else since I tend to get nitpicked by other readers in descriptions and usage of these unusual Proper Nouns so I am saying this now before the chapter; oh and FYI this is real world Proper Noun as well so you can use it in real life)

Nice general trivia, eh?

Well then, enjoy the chapters.

Chapter 131: Are You Worthy Of Respect?

The map was a large wheel divided into twelve parts, with 48 resource hotspots, 2/3 of the map being open waters, 30% of the land being forest, 30% a mountainous region, and 40% open fields with some valleys, cliffs, rivers, and grasslands.

Its size was an easy 20km stretch so jogging from end to end of the land would take at least a lot of time even for a flatland, what more if considering the fact that the entire terrain of the land area was riddled with curving slopes, uneven grounds, and also largely-divided landscapes.

For a 20km wide map, this was a very large area for a mere 250+ people to meet and duke it out in cruel warfare until only 30 are left.

On the side of the candidates, this is a brutal yet also logically acceptable situation considering the entire purpose of this event was to find who has the most talent as an "army asset" from their lot.

Twelve teams, Rex being the eleventh and what he expected as a group of assassins as the 12th; each group was expected to be divided into many sections occupying at least 1.6km in its size while expecting that they have enemies that will come from either side of their territories to take them all out and also acquire their resources.

——with the resources being their equipment, the ammunitions they have, and also their vehicles.

Vehicles were important.

In this large map, navigating is one thing but their transport is also another.

Navigation can be purchased through the 'feature' list when you got enough stars to buy them. But to get a vehicle was harder than hard. Unless you buy them from the proctors and the proctors had allowed it or it was aligned with the objective(s) of your mission(s), they will be your only source for those highly mobile and amphibious vehicles.

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