Chapter 045: Maria Under Siege

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Chapter 045: Maria Under Siege

"This is the entrance"

It was a familiar statue in the underground cells that Siva had once been into.

When the original "Mefisto" broke out of the seal and took over his body, this statue was also broken into pieces by the collapsing ceiling.

By now, the scene looked like a picturesque sight of a broken statue shined upon by light from a hole in the ceiling, a shadowy canopy created a majestic scene of both mysteriousness and beauty with its own charm as if it was from a fantasy game.

The air was calm in this place and the low hum of the city winds above only gave the scene more of its unique chaotic aesthetic sense.

Even the smell of soil was something that made the feel of the place... magical.

In short, the sight of this place gave the feeling of the despair and fear the former inhabitants felt as they watched the scenes play.

or perhaps there was another source for this feeling of desolation?

Gats' mind quickly focused and found out what this place was making feel. Desolation. Forlornness. A sense of darkness causing one to dread what was going to appear.

Kladis walked over the statue. With his simple hand gesture of wiping a curtain, the broken statue and the debris around him were blasted outwards with a loud bang.

What was revealed in front of them was a flight of steps leading down.

Kladis walked down followed by Kira and the rest of the Riddler's Guise Guild.

Gats also followed. Behind him, the other members of The Legion also followed suit.

Upon his first step, he immediately knew that his earlier conjecture was right. That feeling of forlorn and emptiness, of a dreadful darkness lurking and waiting to devour one's soul in the pits of a raging fire from hell... its source was this place.

The walls were thick, the stairs spiraling down as if it was endless. Every step they took made a clear sound that echoed endlessly to their ears.

No lights were available to them so they all used their own methods to light up their own feet.

Kladis walked relaxed as the rest followed. No one made a sound. No one wanted to. No one could as the feeling of vigilance rose higher and higher into their hearts the deeper they go.

Even Gats felt that it was odd.

How could a game create such a desolate feeling?

But they persisted. No one retreated.

After a few minutes of silently walking in a spiral, a change in the scene occurred. There was a tunnel in front of them. Dark, dismal, and bleakly gloomy, it was a place that hadn't been visited for a very long time.

"Not even a torch?" someone commented.

"They don't need it." Kladis said.

"Who's they?" Gats asked.

"The guys who made this place, of course." Kladis replied and walked on. "If you're thinking about this place as some sort of secret hideout, you'd all be wrong. This is simply a channeling station or more like a reservoir of water meant to supply the water to its client... only, the client in question is just one nasty individual with a very peculiar need of a very special kind of water... Naaah... I'm not really good at this analogy thing."

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