Chapter 135: Stay There And Die

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Chapter 135: Stay There And Die

"""Sir yes sir!"""

Angus shouted in understanding. He was still mad at the humiliation earlier but he also understood a thing or two about "etiquette" and logic so he did not say any other word lest he was going to be an example for the rest again.

"Next, and take note, the ONLY role of the Squad Leader is to issue your commands and also tell you your Mission Objectives. It's not him who will adjust on how he will do it but you will be the one to listen and adjust because as a Unit, the Squad Leaders are your immediate superiors so all your actions, performance, replies, and as well as your attitudes will be graded by them. The higher the grade given, the more chances that you will pass so you better straighten your attitudes in front of them, do you understand?"

"""Sir yes sir!"""

"Now, by the logic that your Squad Leaders are your source of information, rankings are now also given to your entire Squad Unit. Remember that there is a Neutral Hostile in this map and you all must remember that he is your enemy. All Squad Leaders will not attack candidates and vise versa since you will notice that he was a blinking BLUE person in your vision, meaning, he is invulnerable to your attacks so it's useless to shoot them. Just don't attack them instead. However, the Neutral Hostile will attack you and he had the ability to kill your Squad Leader. In case that happens, the one with the most senior rank in your group will be the next Squad Leader so whether you want it or not, you have to man —or woman— up and do the role according to the prompts. Do also take note that in your vision, there is a 30m wide mini map and your allies there are green. Enemies will always be red so it's easier for you to always take note of the mini map every now and then, most specifically for you, Scout. Understand?"

"Sir yes sir."

"Again, on the fact that there is a Help Motion in effect to all of you, all of your given roles are also given grading criteria based on the prompts that will ALWAYS be there on you. For example, your [scouts] will be given tasks to accomplish like look in front and if he did a good job at it, the way they accomplished it will be given. So what about the rest of you? Well, again, with the Help Motion in effect to at least make you look like a presentable bunch of trained ning-nongs, all your designated tasks will have given 'tasks' that you must finish in the duration of the entire mission. For example is your [tail scout], he was given the task to clear the tracks and there will be instructions on how to do it that will flash and guide him. Or like when in a fight, the Squad Leader said you gotta maneuver to the left and you fail, well, one thing is for sure, if you fail to accomplish that and you are still alive, then you're just plain lucky. I don't think I have to emphasize how things will turn out in case you all fail your tasks, right?"

"""Sir yes sir!"""

"Lastly, whew, (this is getting tiring) your Mission Objectives' only purpose is to actually make you all earn your stars to buy you different kinds of different perks. Complete the Mission Objectives and you earn yourselves stars. The more Mission Objectives you complete the more stars will be on your wallets and, of course, just as your briefings told you all earlier, the more stars, the greater the perks you can unlock and eventually buy. I don't think I need to tell you how great these perks will be on your overall performance, right?"

"""Sir yes sir."""

"Well now, if you understand at least that much, then go. I don't want to see you standing here like a parade of good for nothings. Squad Leaders, I give you the stage. Take charge!"

""Yes sir!""

That was how Angus and the rest of his squad is thrown in to the battlefield.

As a [Scout], he was tasked to be the point-man and his tasks were be alert as he looked ahead in front of him, searching for enemies in every kind of possible angles of attacks.

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