Chapter 144: Complete Fallout

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Chapter 144: Complete Fallout

Rex almost imagined Cortana saying something in the lines of [How rude.] and him, replying a 'Shut up.' at her. But she didn't say anything. She knew Rex was just playing the main card he always play in front of his enemies —deception using the truth with a twist as icing in its cake.

"Monster?" Chronos was becoming really livid. "I will not play your games, boy. You've cost me my Office Server so I will not let you go today. Heh... I will also include your woman, that princess, in my list of people that's going to be interrogated..."

The smile on Rex's face vanished and he stood straight and took a step forward near Chronos. If the two of them begin attacking each other, they'd be able to hit one another.

"You have no idea of the monsters you created in that world. Even if you're the ones that created all of them, you have not the slightest idea of the real threat they pose in the real world. Eoin Bozkovich was nothing more than a courier for the monster, and I was its keeper. If I die or if I give a command to that monster, I can make sure that all of you will suffer and I will make sure to only save my people in the wake of the chaos that will ensue."

Chronos didn't dare to question it.

A 50ZB file was a huge file, 100 times larger than the size of a copied soul from the [SCAN] project.

It was easy to imagine just what kind of file, no, of what kind of monster it was if it came from inside the Janus Console —the console amalgamating all of the memories and souls of [Project Salvation].

"A... monster...? I don't believe you."

"Believe me or not, once I released that monster, I am sure not to survive myself but I'm still prepared to pay that high a price if it means I can eradicate every single one of you who're standing in the way of my revenge!"

Rex hissed the words out of his lips as his glared back to Chronos with eyes burning with hunger of its insatiable hate.

This time was his time.

He was in a pinch. Real pinch. He was cornered.

A cornered rabbit would bite when it felt like its life was being threatened, what more is a monster that lived its life in bitter struggle against real monsters in all the lives he had ever known in every world?

Rex wasn't genuinely spouting only lies. It was the truth as well; that if Baron, the only reason why he was sane, were to disappear as well, then he will really have to unleash the devil in him and make all life on earth perish at the wake of his wrath.

Chronos shuddered.

The event was a failure. When he gave the order to cut the connection earlier, everybody who was still taking the assessment tests, and the ones who were already defeated, should all have been logged out and woke up in the dimly lit main hall.

But what happened after that, Chronos isn't sure; because by the time he wanted to know exactly what had happened, [Abraxas] was kicked out and he discovered that there was no Comm Signal.

His mind worked and his experience taught him of the biggest possible reason why he felt alone...

....there's a Massive Outage in Lausanne.

This was the only logical reason he could think of that could totally shut down his connection with [Abraxas] all the way from their Family's HQ. This was an unprecedented weakness. In today's era of communications technology, just the very basic of firewalls of Communications Networks already exceeded the ability of even geniuses hackers to crack... and only AI's with capabilities on the level of [Abraxas] and [Database] could infiltrate them.

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