Chapter 068: Mitra's Wrath

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Chapter 068: Mitra's Wrath

"I can't contact anybody!"

"We can't reach the outside!"

"Comms are down! There's no signal!"

"Switch to radio signal!"

"It's still the same!"

"God, what's happening... who's intruding to the House of Levingston's property?"

The cries of men resounded. Although they aren't afraid, they were still surprised by the fact that an individual, alone at that, actually dared to invade the property of a Duke of a World Noble.

Six people showed up in the corner leading to the elevator, and from here, they saw an intense fight between two people who threw punches and kicks at incredible inhuman speeds.

Within five seconds, they punched at least ten times. And each time they unleashed a punch, not one of the two dared to —no, they can't— dodge the attacks of the other.



Two simultaneous roars of men, two fists, two faces received them and they were blasted off to the walls from the force they unleashed.

All those six who saw them trembled as the punch of each of them sent the other hurling in the air for at least 5m before the walls on either side was dent when receiving those attacks.

Kanzu stood up, face and hair disordered. He was looking at Rex as if he was looking at a real beast in human skin.

Rex also stood up after bouncing but unlike his opponent who was frowning with blood trickling down his lips, he was smiling, the violence born of his wrath not having been satiated one bit.

He saw the six men who trembled when their eyes met and he declared, "Good... the more of you in here, the more blood will be splattered in the floor of this suite. Hahaha..."

Rex took heavy steps towards Kanzu and Kanzu roared again, lunging at Rex with a martial kungfu that had both scary precision and force that it rent his muscles despite it being reinforced by the NanoMechs in his body.

Strong! Really strong!

Kanzu's speed was monstrous in normal humans' standards and Rex was equal with him in this one aspect. That's why he was enjoying every bit of it.


—like the sound of metal hitting another metal.

Same stance, same posture, with the difference being the fact that one of them retreated as the other advanced.

"Argh!!" Kanzu cried in pain a he felt his left hand rattling to the pain of the collision.

what the hell is his fist made of?!!

He stepped back waving his left hand to minimize the pain, while Rex took this opening as a chance and kicked, kneed, and kicked again... it wasn't a karate move anymore... it was Muay Thai.

Kanzu was shocked. Muay Thai was a Martial Arts meant for killing, communalized for general public but before this simplified sport-version became a national Martial Sport for Thailand, it was a Military Martial Arts first that was meant for killing.

It was called "Muay Boran" and it was a lethal art.

The art itself boasted precision as its weapon and often times, it was also called the Eight Limbs Art by some because it uses the entire body as the weapon itself.

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