Chapter 134: Maggot

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Chapter 134: Maggot

Rex felt happy and then pulled his chosen anti-tank sniper rifle. This was a weapon that shouldn't be used against people but because he had 100R of ammunition per rifle for it, ammo was the last of his concerns. What more, the Geneva Laws does not apply in here; and furthermore, this was just a game —its environment, at least— so using this to a person shouldn't attract much criticism. Lastly, it was a fact that robotic arms rely on camera and a camera's lenses could only cover as much area.

Nothing beats sniping targets on his own.

His sniper scope's range could reach at least an entire 4 kilometers of zooming and that's enough zoom to actually snipe the 3rd ninja.

The only downside of this sniper rifle is that it was heavy and also large. Really large! It was at least 3m in length from the barrel's tip to the stock. Rex carried it by its "house" which is a graphene case that was 2m long, 20cm high, and 15cm thick, that he carried like a sword as he traveled.

Yes, it has a handle and the makers at least made it so that even on its case, the sniper rifle can still be used like a rail-gun with a lot more recoil and a stance similar to Cassiopeia's... with the downside being that it cannot fire automatically.

Said "mode" was only for traveling convenience's sake, nothing more.


With expert precision and trained accuracy, the sniper rifle was assembled in mere seconds and he took a prone position and took aim... checking the entire venue of the 2nd sniper setup.

True enough, after ten seconds of (pretending to) search, he saw the escaping 3rd ninja. Rex did not waste time. He loaded a bullet and breathed in once, then held his breath, pulling the trigger the next second with little preparation.


It was a very loud explosion for a mere gunshot, even from a high caliber sniper rifle. This was the testament for the power behind the Anti-Tank SR.

The bullet could travel up to a minimum of 5km for its (anti-personnel) effective range and 3km effective range for its tank armor-piercing ability.

It was a masterpiece for the weapon industry and a scourge for its enemies in the battlefield.

When this [weapon] was first invented, a Geneva Laws War Convention Council Meeting was held to ban its further production and so the first ever finished 'gun' of its kind also became its last, with its "data" and memories ever being only available in the eyes and ears of curious folks... but not in this assessment test.

Thus, why wouldn't Rex use it then? In fact, he's so interested in this weapon because this was his main "blueprint" reference when he created the first of his chef-d'oeuvre, the «Dáinsleif».

His body rocked with the heavy recoil, the sound traveling from his arms, to his head, to his ribs, to hips, to his legs, and then back up again like the ripples in pond's surface.

Every time you fire a gun, the sound of it always rocks your soul... whether you hit something on the other side or not... especially if you do hit one or two things with your bullets since its image will always be burned into your retinas as the normal effects of your "shooting" deed.

With the large caliber of the Anti-Rank Rifle, just a passing shockwave from it was already enough to rock your soul. How much more if you're actually the one firing a shot using it? But with the tripod holding the gun barrel in position, the large recoil was lessened and Rex bore only half of the force while he inhaled the distinctive smell of its burned gunpowder with palpable satisfaction.

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