Chapter 065: Jumping Off A Building

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last chapter for the week. Don't forget to VOTE and SHARE my story to your FB or Twitter okay? Oh, and I'm also part of theonionjunktion so if you guys have time, check out our other stories too. Finally===

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Enjoy the read!

Chapter 065: Jumping Off A Building

Traffic in first-world countries like these is one of the best to experience if you're a speed junkie.

Speed limits are rare and the roads are smooth in addition to being wide.

Highways are four-lanes on one side at a minimum and there are dedicated 'speedways' for people like Rex who were using vehicles with an attitude to its name.

His reflexes were monstrously fast and accurate that despite his speed, he never lost balance and control. If it was any other driver, swaying left and right to avoid the traffic of other speeding vehicles with that level of precision and timing, they would have already become jelly-legged and trembling just from the near-close touches he almost had.

Rex wasn't wearing his helmet, only his 'mask' but with Cortana's help, all traffic laws monitoring tools and gadgets in the vicinity ignored him and even those cops on alert only 'saw' him on their naked eyes but he was never on their electronics.

To the Speed Patrol, ever since this day, a legend about the ghost rider was born...

......but it was for another story.


Rex reached the vicinity of his destination after a full hour of speeding along.

The tires of the bike were hot and he thanked the dry yet still slightly chilling day —no, night— as he parked it on a paid parking lot two blocks away.

In here, he disabled all electronic 'eyes' around his location and so started to change clothes, putting on the specialized suit taken from the bike's side compartments.

Handguns and knives were strapped on his body, and a mint-condition Nano-Kevlar Vest was put on his torso and limbs after putting on a black cloak to hide everything he was wearing.

Rex then pulled two bracelets on the compartment and put the end rings with them on his fingers... it was a garrote wire 1km each; as thin as a strand of hair and are primarily made out of the finest of the most flexible and durable of materials.

It was very expensive.

But on the trained hands, a frightening weapon.

He hid it on his gloves and then clenched his fists to tighten the grips. He felt ready.

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