Chapter 091: Gathering of the Alliance (2)

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AN: in this chapter, there is a recurring character from Vol.6 Ch130 the part where Siva barged in into the War Council during the attack in Jeremiah and asked Siva his name, he is a Werewolf and although I did not explicitly stated for that war council member to be the King, it was still the first time I mentioned the Top/High Seats, the Inner Continents, the Terran Alliance, and the other races (including the Werewolf) of Terroa. I would also like to stress that not all "republics" don't have a Royal Family in the country... and in this regard, I am copying the government system in the UK for the Cynthiana Republicthe country with a Werewolf Royalty— I know a [Republic] and a [Monarchy] is different but think about it, the country is under a Royal Family but the type of government that works under them for the sole purpose of the management of the country is a Republic System where the people votes for the President. This is the logic behind why the [Cynthiana Republic] in this chapter is represented by a "King" instead of a Republican or something intel for those who might ask me for the trivia ;)

Alright, enjoy the read guys.

Chapter 091: Gathering of the Alliance (2)

President Buzzard of the Butteo Country couldn't believe his eyes and ears. For the sake of Siva, not only was he rebuked, he was also deemed as a braggart who dismissed the existence of that so called "Immortal" —the Emperor of Tiara.

Is it really true?

an immortal......

Many people in the conference room had this same kind of thought. There was an Immortal in Terroa? Why haven't they become aware of it?

All of them in the High Seats are Quasi-Immortals, but why weren't they able to detect him? Just how large was the gap between a True Immortal and a Quasi-Immortal like them?

How is it that Gaia was so sure that the "Immortal Emperor" actually exists?

Have they met before?

What more, her words were clear as well. Siva is here in behalf of that Immortal Emperor and that he brought news that could mean the survival of the Terran Race as a whole.

President Buzzard was unable to speak another word and he glared at Siva who only sat there on his designated seat and staring at them with traces of a smile on the corner of his eyes.

"You done?" he coldly asked the Terrans. "If you really want to leave this meeting, you can freely go and no one will stop you since we can't. But I can assure you that once you forego listening to what I have to say, then when the times that you need my help, you can expect nothing and that I would even stand on a high ground and watch you all burn in the fires of war that will ensue."

Everyone narrowed their eyes, some even panted as they felt rage swelling up in their chests.

How dare a King of an unknown kingdom of fools treat the Terran High Seats like they were all his subjects, people who he can treat with full disdain and mockery?

"You speak of war as if it is coming... what do you know that we don't? What makes you qualified to talk as if we're indeed going to need your help?"

Joffrey spoke with smoking anger. When Siva had addressed them as "you", he also addressed all of them at the same time.

"You don't have the qualifications!" shouted one of the familiar 'priests' of the Terran High Seats.

"What makes you qualified to step on top of our heads? Asgard? Hah! What kind of trashy country name is that? How dare you treat the Terran High Seats like we are your underlings! You are not an inch bit worthy of us listening to your words!" This was another of the High Seats on the same level as Gaia. Although Gaia could talk down Buzzard, it didn't mean that she can do so on every member.

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