Chapter 008: Dragon Ocean

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Chapter 008: Dragon Ocean

'Cortana, are you able to get the contact information of that Howard Gregory?'

[Unfortunately sir, I wasn't able to get anything from the scans I did at him earlier. It seems that he is indeed a careful politician.]

Rex sneered, 'At least not careful enough to hide the public profiles of these men.'

[Should I call the cops?]

'No. In fact, hack into the local telecommunications tower in the area and prevent any call or any other form of contact that will be made to the police. Also lock the Local Net in the area and stop all modes of video recording. I don't want what I'm going to do in here to get out of this place.'

[Yes sir. And although it would be risky, I can also still look into the National Government database to get Howard's personal contact information. The one he gave you earlier was his business number so it's highly unlikely he'll personally answer it.]

Rex heaved in a pant before stopping and spoke in an audible voice, "Don't. It's better to send the message through his thugs."

With that said, Rex stopped preparing to leave and only sat on the bike and stared at the group with an icy gaze that told the other patrons and other stall owners felt scared for the incoming trouble.

His gaze provoked the hotheaded gangster and so he stood up and swaggeringly, approached Rex.

"What're you lookin' at, punk? Is there something in me face that's too good lookin'?"

"Your acting is good, Michael Kates." Rex said as he stood up and walked towards the 'gangster'.

The man and the rest of their group were startled.

Just from this alone, they realized that all of their identities have always been exposed to him. They realized that they looked like clowns in front of Rex playing gangster.

"What, you got tongue tied, you can't speak?" Rex took a step forward and the stunned 'Michael' was shell-shocked that he tumbled two steps back and looked at Rex warily.

The leader also stood up and was preparing to pull something from behind him when Rex smiled at his attempt without fear.

"Now that I take a good look at you, Poe, Nix, Ferns, and Bong... I couldn't help but wonder... if you're really brave enough to pull your knives and guns at me in a place like this."

After his words, Rex took another step forward so the startled Michael who's also been in the midst of pulling out a 'weapon' hesitated. He only just now realized that the Rex in front of them weren't even scared one bit despite their numbers.

His words sounded like a threat to the leader, the one named Poe, but he had his orders.

"Since when?" he asked. Now that he took a look at Rex, he now also realized that Rex's stance was set so that he can either attack or defend if one of his men made his move. To his skill level, he saw Rex's current stance as to not having any opening at all, and it scared him. "Since when did you know that we were tailing you?"

"Just now, actually." Rex said nonchalantly then he took another step and almost bumped into Michael who now fell back to a chair, looking at him in fear and surprise. "If Michael hadn't come closer to me just now, I wouldn't have recognized him through his make up."

The rest of them wore disguise but it was only a shallow make up. But to an ordinary citizen, it was already enough to not recognize them. And yet Rex did. What they didn't know is that it was a DNA scan from Cortana that gave them away.

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