Chapter 044: Dragona's Secret

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Chapter 044: Dragona's Secret

A slashing sound echoes. The Gunslinger's victim was cleaved horizontally in half from behind by a sneaky bladed lance. Tai Long didn't linger.

The first [Tai Long BM-Puppet] dashed forward in momentum to its next victim without looking back at the last as the Gunslinger followed right behind it with its two hands firing bullets endlessly.

It was a bloody scene, especially for the civilians, but going easy and knocking these bastards out of their heads was the last of the options available to Siva at this very moment —at least not when these guys are also out for his own head.

That spear mastery was truly scary —the Lancet Imperious moved like a windmill on Tai Long's back as the staff-body of the sword-spear rolled and danced like nunchakus in its fluidity when moving like a slithering snake across his shoulders and his back.

And to deliver even more attacks with precision and deadliness, the succeeding victims of their unrelenting aggressiveness couldn't even breathe until their last moment.

In the modern times, perhaps only an AI could pull off this kind of precise movement in Martial Arts. It was practically impossible without a lifelong time of practice and although it lacked essence and that obscured sense of 'intent' that Martial Artist see on an expert, it was still something that is beyond what is categorically recognized as 'skill' —this one, and all of the future Maxima and Tai Long BM-Puppets, will have to be fitted with these same sets of skills and abilities and thus is only apt for it to be called something close to a 'feature' rather than a skill.

But the devastation it brought was nonetheless the same to every enemy Tai Long passed by.

The struggle was short upon contact.



Within three seconds, agonized cries were heard.

Four were immediately crushed or sliced into two, and at the next second, the rest began to react and retreat to regroup, shields were deployed or were being deployed... as some charged forth to attack Siva's team with a piercing lunge with their spears.


Siva didn't have a weapon and his appearance was his B-Ranked Equipment "casual-formal wear" with only a flimsy exoskeleton made up of tiny-parts of the BMA for enhancing movements supporting his high-speed maneuvers.

When it comes to defense, he virtually had none.

But he wasn't afraid.

Siva watched the one attacking him. While this guy had his shield up, Siva at least still have five bullets of Bloody Mary artillery, and a nigh-unlimited ammo stock of Longhorn left in his arsenal. After all, the [Longhorn Cannon] was an energy-type weapon.

With Electra, Energy was the least of his concerns.

The 30m distance between him and the attacker is quickly breached but Siva only stretched an arm as the space behind him rippled, a 20m-long tri-barrel large cannon appeared and shocked the attacker.


The [Killing Zone] was active. His shield shuddered but didn't collapse. But the attacker was shocked in that short contact as he staggered on the impact.

Siva pressed on with an attack and took a step. At the next instant, he already blinked right beside the stunned attacker.

"Teleport?!!" His first reaction.

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