Chapter 012: Siva's Second Unsealing

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Chapter 012: Siva's Second Unsealing

He appeared in the southern quadrant, the very place Gyoolu had destroyed with a single shout cannon of his.

With a flash of light, Siva's outfit changed in a fit of an instant into that of his White Knight Armor set.

The faceless mask on his head was something that anyone who had ever seen it would never forget.

In Jeremiah, the Faceless Knights had become a thing of legend; trashing out a King Candidate and opposing the Council of Elders, defending the two waves of attacks in the Grand Mansion against four Demon Commanders, and finally, threatening the Terran-Human Alliance and making his stance to be known to the War Council Seats.

Alas, it was a reputation only top-tier executives are allowed to even be aware of, much less know every detail that had happened back then.

As soon as Siva arrived, he immediately deployed ten Liberty Drones, then spread the BM-Puppets in 14 directions, covering every side that Billion might escape to if he and him were to confront one another in a falling out.

"Billion, depending on your answer, you will suffer the consequences of lying to me."

Siva was seething in rage. It was actually a wonder that he was still cursing at him like this.

He didn't dare to dally.

With his greatest speed, he jumped into the air and 'blasted' off in a streak of wind that although he did travelled impossibly fast inside the city, not a sonic boom was heard for the [Absolute Domain] made it so that the 'armor' he wore travelled in water which the domain provided.

Such a technological feature was only possible if an abundance of "NanoField" materials was used to create the domain. And because of this, only a slight breeze was the only thing 'felt' when Siva's silhouette passed through above the city.


The place was still in the initial phases of being rebuilt and even the government buildings are still on its foundations; the walls are halfway, the pillars were alone, and the ceiling is still missing.

Siva passed through these places and just went to the western quadrant —straight to the place where he last remembered Billion's office was located.

He arrived in the air in less than 10 minutes, and only when he did stop was there the sound of a muffled boom that followed his abrupt halt. There was also the Law of Gravity applied to RPG: Terroa but because Siva's body was '6x' of a normal man's bodily constitution, the slight G he suffered wasn't enough to make him cringe.


Siva was panting. He rushed here in full haste and along with his seething rage that he was trying his best to control right now, no other reason else are there to make his breathing short in between.

[Scans indicates that Billion is not in the vicinity. I have also scanned the underground passageways that led to the other parts of the city but there are no signs of Billion in any of them. Should I try to spread the search area?]

"Focus all power to scan range and accuracy. For now, disable camera functionality and focus energy resources to maintain the scan until we find him."

[Roger that.]

Siva remained floating in the sky, 400m above the office he remembered Billion should be staying at.

is he currently logged out?

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