Chapter 031: Gregory Once Again

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Chapter 031: Gregory Once Again

Electra understood his point and nodded weakly but the crackling lightning on her fists still left the room a little bit hot.

Siva then said, "Prepare your tribesmen. There may be a struggle later tonight. So that they might do not get surprised, tell them that you're planning to ambush the Church outside the city tonight."

Electra understood this tactic and nodded, "Yes."

Just as she was about to turn around, Siva then turned to her, "One more thing. Can you... look for a Master Blacksmith amongst your people?"

Electra was puzzled but still bowed her head, "I will try to search for someone."

"Please do. The superior the skills the better... and also tell them that they can also bring their family to their new working environment. Tell them that the pay is high and that the grade of work will help them improve their craft."

"Yes. Right away."

Electra briskly darted off. Siva was left in the room sighing at the sight. He couldn't help but think of the reason why they, the NPCs around him, all act this way around him.

His other identity, [Siva], as a Trinity God, was the sole reason why they even follow his commands in full sincerity.


It was because of fear.

And he hated it but he was helpless because he also knew that he needed this —his— strength.

"At least only until I save Baron." He murmured. "I can only take one small step at a time."


A Hybrid G6 twinjet coursing through the mist of the clouds... through the years, this one is used as symbol for wealth for the rich and powerful. It has so many modifications to its model but its overall purpose and form retained its classic simplicity and grandiose image for its passengers.

The group left the country with complicated faces.

Amanda, especially, was very disturbed.

The seats in the plane were separated and only a single seat on the two sides is present with a table in the middle of two adjacent seats to share.

There were three compartments in this Hybrid-G6 and on them were the 'guests' of this trip; two pairs on a single side and four pairs on each cabin part.

For some odd, malicious, and questionable reason, one of the 'two pairs' on Amanda's side is the last person she wanted to see even during the end of this world... Angus Gregory. In front of him was his Uncle Howard Gregory.

How Howard Gregory was included in this private trip reserved only for those invited to the Conclave was a mystery.

Alice, seated in front of Amanda, could only glare at the man seated behind her friend.

On the other side was Matt's group of four, happily chatting and exchanging stories.

"Hey." Angus tried to break the silence. "Would you like to go to the back cabin?"

The back cabin had a recreational area. It had all of the things one can wish for when bored on a long flight like this one.

"I'm sorry, who were you?" Matt asked on the side as he was in-line with Angus. He was friendly as he didn't know who this person was.

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