Chapter 087: Meanwhile in Maria

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Chapter 087: Meanwhile in Maria

Just now, he received news that two of the Royal Subjects back there in the welcoming party just died... and one of them was actually Ashbin. They were still alive in the hospital but died later on. It was told that they were suffering in agony and all scanners and attempts to heal them were useless until eventually, they died.

Reports said that Ashbin died by a Severe Acute Intestinal Ulcer, while the other died by a heart vein rupturing from unknown causes.

Both reports pertained to the naturalness of the causes of their deaths but as they're so sudden and that they died immediately, it wasn't hard to tell that Siva was the one that caused their deaths, one way or another.

"Bastard, it's actually him but... he did it while still being with me. He's the only one that had all the motivations to assassinate Ashbin!"

As much as Joffrey wracked his mind on how to put a legal blame on Siva, he couldn't find any kind of lead to connect their deaths to him.

"How the fuck did he do it?!!"

Could he actually blame their deaths to Siva when they were together all this time? But their deaths were as natural as actually diagnosed as sickness and wasn't connected in any way to Siva. If he say that Siva killed them right now, then it would ruin Bardavon and Horbe's relationship.

"No, wait..."

More than that, not only framing Siva would make things hard for him, he actually felt fear at the fact that they were on the same vehicle, facing each other just a few meters away.

If Siva could cause one's death secretly and with no traces that may lead to him, and even from a far distance at that, wouldn't he, sitting this close to him in this hover-shuttle, be an easy target to be dispatched of? The only reason he was alive is because Siva had a purpose for coming here and it wasn't killing a Country's King, but for the sake of diplomatic relations.

What more...


how could I not see this earlier?

—I actually let my guard down!!

...seated in this hover-shuttle were nine Vajras with God-statuses, plus Siva. While him, the King Joffrey of Bardavon Kingdom, was only protected by mere Mortals as guards. Although all of them could use Magic and could fight against anyone else... it was still a different matter when talking about the Divine Beast Dragon Race.

Joffrey might not be able to properly scale the strength of an Elemental Dragon, but he knew like the back of his own hand how to scale a warship's destructive capabilities.

A single Elemental Dragon had a destructive scale comparable to at least 10 or 15 warships firing off their cannons on a single target at the same time.

Right now, there are nine of them here.

How could he create trouble for himself at this kind of situation?

Only now did Joffrey realize his mistake that has always been there at the very beginning.

—Mohindra was acting like a servant...

——she called him "Your Excellency" earlier...

———it was he who called this meeting in stride!

Although the message stated that it is Mohindra's call, Joffrey, as smart as he is, should have realize the catch the moment they mounted off the tiny red-orange warship earlier.

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