Chapter 137: Secret of Rex Kingsley

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Chapter 137: Secret of Rex Kingsley

Rex's feet landed on a protruding 1m large rock with just a slight more angle to trip him. He spun to balance and used the Sniper Rifle as a counter weight, finishing into a circus-like act of the gun softly landing into his shoulders while he himself was on one foot, slowly twisting into a stop. But just at the last dregs of his spin's momentum were vanishing, he was already facing the other side of the hill so he jumped off, going into a sprint while his left hand pulled the pen-tablet to summon the panel screen of his target sprinting towards his direction.

It all happened in just two seconds.

Rex smiled and stored the pen-tablet on the tube pocket on his left thigh before dashing towards his next target's location.


Chronos was frowning, "He's just too good. This is just too abnormal. His instincts, his trap setup, his sniping stability and accuracy, even his style of executing someone he's angry at.... it's all too oddly good it's scary. Even given the scenario of changes he had been subjected into, all of those experiences, just for him to grow is just too fast."

Goldwyn nodded, <He's only been in Terroa for a few months at most and even if we put into bill all that's been happening to him so far, all of these changes are just too sudden...>

"According to intel, he'd never actually had any proper military training in his life." Chronos said as he turned to the old man beside him for opinion.

There was a pause between them before the old gangster gave a microscopic nod. <In Terroa, he did use a Sniper Rifle to finish a Boss during the attack in Jeremiah. There are many witnesses to him summoning a similarly sized sniper rifle like that Anti-Tank one back then.>

Although it was hardly enough to explain how Rex had some monstrous sniping skills, it was enough to make them consider it so the old men turned silent for a few seconds.

A while after, Chronos groaned and said, "When did you last have a video feed from his NLD?"

Goldwyn faced him, <Around a week or two ago at least. Why? Do you think that during these two weeks, he'd gone to so much change in Terroa, even gaining training experiences and mastering modern weaponry? As far as my Intel goes, that was the last time AG and Rex had made contact with each other. Graham said AG installed extra NanoMechs into Rex but I doubt it made any sort of changes since the first installation had a central core included in it. At best, the second installation will only improve the data we could gather after he was mature enough to be harvested.>

Chronos remained silent and watched Rex ran in forest like a released panther. His mind, though, was clouded by thoughts on how to explain these skills that Rex was showing them right now.

The old gangster magically created a wine glass on his left hand and sipped on it, before speaking again, <I've also lost and have cut all contacts with the house ever since I had AG sleep. If what you think is right, even if it's true, then I could only say Rex Kingsley's ability to learn is monstrous indeed.>

Chronos replied, "It's something to expect from a teenager who designed a mechanical framework for the independent side of the Android Project."

<Ah, how could I forget, he's also a Junior Nobel Prize winner because of that contribution. When that's taken into account, perhaps there's a 50% chance that in these two weeks, he indeed met an agent sent by Mitra to train him with these skills, though, I still stand by my verdict that two weeks is still too short a time to master these skills.>

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