Chapter 116: License to Kill

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AN: Here're two weeks' worth of chapters update for you all. I'm using a compressed format because I am following the Volume capacity in Wattpad which is not more than 200 chapters every title so I am trying to compress more chapters into every weekly update. So sometimes, you might notice some chapters longer in length than the former chapters. Reason is: I don't want to exceed 200 Chapters in every Volume so you can expect that in the future chapters, there will be longer contents and will have more developments on them. For the delay, yes, it's my usual weekly symptoms: NO CASH FOR INTERNET. Anyways, this week's update is here so please do enjoy these chapters and then let me know your reactions on the comments section down below! Merry Christmas! 

Chapter 116: License to Kill

Bright flashes of lights, grunts, cries of pain, and a lot of curses later...

...a small area that's hardly called a battlefield had now regained its former silence.

Siva's battle-level when calculating everything he could throw at an enemy, is at full Immortal-level.

Mortals and Quasi-Immortals cannot do him harm.

The entire battle didn't last that long. Although the stats difference between them wasn't large, there was still Siva's Killing Zone + (+33% defense from attacks + 100% damage to enemies) received after the [Blood Verse] took effect.

In the end, the Paladin was held in the neck while the rest of the contingent from the Theocracy was knocked out or locked by Siva's spatial control and the help of the NEO-BMA parts that he deployed a minute ago. Siva may not do much damage against them, but his abilities alone proved that he could suppress any Quasi-Immortal and below without as much sweat being made.

While they floated two meters in the air, the entire scene was just too majestic especially when Haven Dust recalled the one-sided fight that almost made his knees lose its strength.

"How can he be this... this strong..." his body was shaking all over. He saw the light of a mysterious magic that the Paladin employed to suppress Siva but not only did it affect him minimally, the entire fight itself didn't even last that long before all the paladin were suppressed.

Two entire minutes; that's how long Siva took until he held the Theocracy's Paladin in the neck.

He saw Siva's 2m shadowy silhouette slash at the Paladins after his attack and in fact, just those few flying blades alone, they were already enough for him to bring his enemies down to their knees.

Him, personally taking them down with his fists are mercy enough and yet they were still unable to hit Siva cleanly even once as the latter had this very bizarre footstep that seemed to let him blink here and there like UFO.

Seeing it all happen made Haven Dust panic.

His dreams and everything he'd envisioned of his bright future vanished into a puff of smoke while he watched Siva trample the Paladins one by one.

"How hypocritical, Bloody Church Elder, for you to be both a Paladin and a spy of a false god. So I wonder, then, if you were first a Paladin before you joined the Bloody Church, or were you not the Paladin of the Theocracy at all. But regardless, if you still insist on being a Paladin from the Divine Crown Theocracy, then all the more reason I have to trample your useless pride."

The Paladin became livid. Whether it was because Siva looked down and called their [God] a false one or because he insulted the Theocracy, both of these reasons warranted him to throw a fit as he struggled in wrath while trying to punch Siva.

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