Chapter 132: Mitra's Trap

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Chapter 132: Mitra's Trap

"...we are aware that many of you don't know how to properly use a gun so rest assured, there is no friendly fire in this exercise and that your guns will only work when pointed at your enemy. That is a special feature but still be mindful not to point your barrels to your allies. In the real world, guns take lives regardless of allies or foes so don't be delusional that you're allowed to point your rifle in your allies' faces! Anyone who did so will face an immediate severe punishment leading not only to your platoon's disqualification but also humiliation to the person who had committed the crime! For your reference, I will now show you how the guns work in this assessment event."

The proctor made an example and raised his own gun —a .52 caliber anti-shock anti-pers rifle— in a straight chest-level to demonstrate.

He pointed at the rack of guns at the side. Who knows when those guns were arranged there?

"Secondly, some things are made easy for you to adjust practical training skills you have yet to be trained for and made it so that it'd automatically be acted as soon as you confirm them. For example, planting a bomb. Since it is a specialization that only a soldier is allowed to be trained in, planting a bomb —any bomb— in this exercise is a matter of point and shoot, like a camera, confirming it with a yes or no button will complete the jobs."

While he spoke, he demonstrated it by pulling out a C4 Sticky Bar from thin air, putting it into a crate, and then confirming the "set up" with a press of a holo-button confirmation.... just like a game.

"Of course, since not all of you have experience in using guns and actually seeing the horror of it, you will not see a shred of blood or gore in this entire exercise."

At this point, the proctor pointed his gun and shot one of the side proctors' leg who did not even as much as grunted but still had a reddish hole in his thigh —like a molten red polygonal hole—that tells a lot of how "game-like" this exercise was.

"It was just an example but bear in mind that it will hurt when you got shot by the enemies so I hope that you will take this exercise seriously since, well, this is not a game you're entering. It's the lifeblood organization of our planet. We're the defenders of the people. We are soldiers of the World Government, ready to defend its integrity and protect the peace on Earth with our very lives so weaklings and kindhearted individuals with no spine nor a shred of determination to take the enemy's life just because of morality is not allowed to exist within your ranks. Is there anyone here with that constitution?"

No one answered from the platoon but he asked once again just to be sure.

"I urge you... if you're not prepared to take one's life just to uphold your moral code, then please, I suggest you quit now because being a soldier is not meant for you."

No one answered. Even the weakest-looking girl or boy in the ranks of the candidates gritted their teeth as they listened.

Seeing this, the proctor nodded, "Good. Thirdly! I expect that you all by now realized that obeying your orders down to the very last letter will save not only yours but also your allies' lives. When you are in the battlefield, you have to keep an open awareness of everything happening. You all must be open your eyes and ears even while you think you are safe. Act like an entire Unit and your unit will as you want it to. In the event of..."

In the middle of his sentence, someone from the side proctors threw something akin to a tiny tube-like object, bouncing in front of the platoon just a couple of meters away.

Then, someone else from the other side of the platoon shouted in a loud voice: "GRENADE!!!"

"FIND COVER!!!" a proctor from the other side cried out in a loud rebuking tone.

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