Chapter 055: Nine Months

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Chapter 055: Nine Months

It was easy to avoid detection in Alexandria. Siva quickly hid behind a Mini Realm and was about to blink his way towards the Mountain Temple when as soon as he took his first blink, formless power enveloped him and locked him in place.

"What the—"

The next instant, his vision blurred and before he knew what happened, he was already at the open square of the Temple, behind the imperial-robed Gabriel who's looking over the city at the edge of the cliff.

Siva didn't waste time and spoke out, "I'm sorry."

"Of course you are." Gabriel didn't turn his head at him and said with palpable acidity. "Whether you can control it or not, what's done is done. Is there a way for you to undone it?"

Siva's mind worked and he nodded, "We have an Artifact that might be able to do just that."

It was an empty reply. He himself knew it since Gabriel's sarcasm was hitting on his nerves the same way Gabriel was annoyed by his existence.

Gabriel looked at his side then turned his gaze back to the ever stretching city beneath the sea of fluffy white clouds.

"I know you're not an idiot but don't make me think you are. Who on their right mind will use a Divine Artifact just to correct a mortal's mistake, huh? Even I won't. It's just a waste of the item."

Siva felt his face twitch, "So you know about it?"

"Rather than knowing it per se, I heard it from her when she told you about it."

"So you've been eavesdropping on us all this time as well? You knew about the events in the planet, about the Church's attacks, and you didn't do a thing to help! If my brother—"

"—what of it? If I don't would I have known that I have been betrayed by your people and put the entire planet on the mercy of your kind? Just as you have every reason to hate everybody, I have every possible reason you can list to hate you and your kind! Especially you..."

Gabriel's voice had so much hate on them Siva got confused by it.

From Gabriel's words, it seems something huge had happened. Did something occur that he had to put it as if 'his kind' had done something to wrong the Terrans —to wrong he, himself?

He knew it as well. By 'your kind', Gabriel meant the [Players] —and by way of being betrayed, it means that a quest or a mission that Gabriel had issued had been used by the Players to instead defect to the side of the enemies.

This was bad news since it affected his plans.

But nonetheless, Siva came here not for any other reason but to ask Gabriel about his task. If there was a problem between them, he can just open them up some other time... but not today.

If they start their clash now, nothing will end.

There're still more pressing things to be finished before they could throw their pieces at each other.

"Did you always know?" he said angrily, burying his ego to make way for productive development.

Gabriel didn't look at him, as usual, making Siva think as if it was beneath Gabriel to even gaze at him —one of his considered enemies— and this made Siva's anger burn even more.

The matter about him 'slaughtering' his people in Alexandria was already forgotten.

"Know about what?" Gabriel feigned ignorance.

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