Chapter 093: Enemy Of The Theocracy

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Chapter 093: Enemy Of The Theocracy

As pointed out, everyone's gaze landed on the High Priestess of the Elven Race and they knew that what the Werewolf King said was right.

If Siva was indeed working for the Demons, even if Gaia was under a spell and was just acting like a puppet, the Vow would still kill her the moment she had betrayed the Terran Alliance.

The [Unbreakable Vow Spell] is named as such because it was 'unbreakable' as long as the one who took the oath was still alive and breathing.

It was because the Vow's promise 'locks' the soul with the conditions of the vow. Once the soul, willingly or unwillingly, breaks the conditions, the Vow that was made will instantly crush their soul and so thereby killing them on the spot. Silently.

There was no time for regret.

And even in the case that Gaia is being controlled like a puppet (like being coerced or something in that line of thinking) —since Necromancy is out of the question for having obvious signs of Dark Mana radiating out of the body of an undead— it will still fall under the conditions of breaking the vow because Gaia still retained her ego.

In case of her being hypnotized or something, it's also an impossibility because; firstly, even though the act of hypnotism is a skill, trying to hypnotize a High Elf who had lived for thousands of years and had a personal power to smash just about anyone in Terroa, is impossible. Lastly, even if in the far-off chance that she has indeed been hypnotized, the vow would still take effect and kill her.

So Gaia, talking to them right now with nothing being wrong with her, aside from choosing Siva's side unconditionally in this meeting and in the last one in Jeremiah, all meant that she had chosen so according to her own volition.

As such, when this point was stressed out by the Werewolf King, the council began to think about it and became confused.

—does this mean that The Oracle had truly allied herself with Siva, this repugnantly irritating brazen prick who doesn't recognize authority even when facing face to face against it?

——and does that mean that Siva is not a traitor?

Many had the same thoughts in their minds right at that instant and their glares couldn't be hotter and more acidic as they focused them on Siva.

Romano fell silent and he shut his mouth as he sat back down his seat, as was the owners of the accusing fingers pointing directly at Siva.

Taken at their perspective, this Alliance Council of High Seats wasn't evil nor was any of them evil.

It was just that the years of demon infestation and the on-going war with the Dragons had put their nerves at the brink and so they seemed to always be at the edge. It reflected into their words, their actions, and then ultimately into their perspectives in life that they became suspicious and stupid with just about anybody.

Taken into the perspective of a modern man and a real world person like Siva, these NPCs were all just victims, pitiful souls trapped as a plaything for mankind's unknown ambitions.

This was of the reasons why Siva couldn't find the reason to flip the tables on them and be patient.

It was even a miracle he was acting so.

"I will also join the effort." Gaia, of course, voiced out her allegiance and although it was already an obvious fact, many still found this unbelievable, as many felt more male jealousy than a professional standard etiquette when thinking that Siva would be spending more time with the voluptuous Gaia in their effort to eradicate the threats of traitors.

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