Chapter 142: Turning The Tables Over

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Chapter 142: Turning The Tables Over

Amanda stole a glance at her direction and she saw her looking at theirs as well.

If Amanda wasn't wearing a mask right now, Loni would've noticed the flustered look of surprise and panic on her face. She wasn't good at these poker games.

She could only bite her lower lip and lower her head in reflex and then look at Rex, wiping beads of sweat falling from his face.

After she was done, she said: "I don't know what's happening inside but I'm sure that he'll still end up with a win. I believe in him. He's just having a hard time... is all......"

Although she sounded unsure, her words did still mean something else. Amanda didn't want them to dwell deeper into the lie that "something in the NLD was putting stress on him" because it's not wise to continue building more lie above more lies from the words she already said.

And the bigger reason she wanted to dismiss this talk is because she felt uncomfortable lying to her friends like this. She felt her heart aching that she had to compromise so much to protect all of Rex's secrets. Truthfully, she began to think about the warning that Janus gave to her back then: that this mission is going to be hard on her because it will bring about suffering and she will have to sacrifice many things in order to see it done. If she wasn't prepared for the task, she could only say no that one time. If she agreed to take on the task, then it was a mission that will not only affect her but will also affect the lives of the people around her... well as ultimately bring changes into her.

She accepted the task.

To her, this was a personal mission. In order to prove herself worthy of him, she undertook the task given by an in-game character.

Was it preposterous? Yes. Absolutely.

Terroa is just a game-world so why believe any of the things happening inside it as if it was real?

Why did she believe it? It's because she saw a lot of things happen and learned a lot of secrets after seeing the things that occurred to Rex four years ago in Terroa. It could all have been just a farce though, but she didn't think so. After all, Baron's situation was connected to everything and at least she believed that Rex wouldn't put Baron's safety into something as outrageously unbelievable as a [Quest] or a [Mission] given inside the game.

Amanda believed the dangers of [Direct Neural Impulse Therapy] which Baron was subjected into in order to cure his condition.

The succeeding events after she learnt of it: when she met Kathleen Brew, learnt of the "secrets" as told by her father; learnt of the real-world impacts that "The Destroyer, [Siva]" could bring...

—those were all reasons enough to make Amanda believe everything and put her all into completing the tasks to save Rex.

And as soon as she had learnt it all, she began to also connect the dots of these secrets.

Why is Rex special? Because his parents helped in inventing a device that could change the world forever.

Why is he strong? Because if he wasn't, then his efforts and his reasons for fighting on would have all been in vain... but the biggest reasons is... if he was weak, then he won't be able to protect the people he ought to care for.

Why was he and Baron got kidnapped? Because the people who held Baron hostage wanted what "something" Rex had hidden, learned, and lived in Terroa back then... four years ago.

What was that "something" four years ago? It was the Kingsley Doctors' invention, the [key] to reach the place called [Salvation]... as spoken by Janus.

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