Chapter 123: Identities Unveiled

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Chapter 123: Identities Unveiled

Amy, visibly shocked as well as furiously offended at the rude entrance glared at the new comer who was already clinging on to the man she wanted to "be acquainted with" from this vassal-level nobility.

Still, being "Amy" she had to maintain her poise as she was still a properly bred woman —unlike this temptress with nothing more than her body to be proud off.

"Stay?" Amy raised a brow and inquiringly glanced towards Rex's direction, going back to the intruder with her left brow raised as high as Everest, "Are you sure you didn't miss him for one of your short term boyfriends? I didn't know you were still on to stealing men from other ladies up 'til now."

Everybody unaware could already feel the tension rising in the atmosphere and for those who were in the know, they could only inwardly sigh as this was a feud that dates back years in the beginning.

Being sarcastically and indirectly insulted, the new girl clinging on Rex didn't get mad and instead felt like smiling even wider and laughing about as she cutely giggled while hugging Rex's arm tighter.

Not even two paces away, a girl was already red in anger as she pinched the hand she was holding on since earlier.

"Oh dear me, I wasn't finished with my introduction of his identity." She playfully replied with her tired voice that made many men red-faced and smiling as if in paradise. "Well, you see, his name was indeed Stay... and his surname is Away From My Man..... isn't that right, darling?"

"You—!!" Amy was visibly enraged but the girl was still unperturbed. If something, it was her specialty to make people both angry and in-loved with her.

Yet more than that, another girl was angrier than her and she made the man responsible for making her this angry.

Ah, so this is what jealousy felt like? The girl was just too ignorant to properly handle this new kind of feeling swelling in her chest.

On the other hand, Amy, who wasn't a sore loser in reality, was still livid for a different matter for the two of them always had to be on each other's polar sides each time the two of them meet.

For many years now, this woman has always been her nemesis and she had long since planned to be rid of her but only lacked the chance for they both have the same means and the same talents.

But if there was something that Amy lacked that the girl had... it may actually be the fact that the woman in front of her knew better how to use her "womanly assets" than she who was relatively famous for being casually conventional.

On the other hand, she looked at Rex with a pout and many men had to look sideways to check for witnesses before shifting gears to neutral.

As for Rex, she felt someone's dagger-like glare stabbing his nape from his right side while the soft sensation on his left and the pouting beauty was INDEED the last person he wanted to meet in this place. Still, he also still needs to be civilized and forget the fact that he was indeed very surprised to bump into her in this kind of place.

For all he knows Rafaela was just a [Player] he met in RPG: Terroa. Who would've thought that she is actually an "achiever" or perhaps a "World Noble"?

But then again, considering that Rafaela is also an [agent] working for The Union, perhaps he should have known that she had 'connections' given that Rafaela —possessor of a Personal Warship that had its own reputation in Terroa, Miranda— isn't truly some nobody since she was both beautiful and as well as smart to be able to work as a Peace Ambassadress for The Union and the Flowerion Empire of Flowerion Western Continent.

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