Chapter 075: New Asgardians

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Chapter 075: New Asgardians

The door of the Royal Court Room opened and Gaia lightly gave a curtsy and presented the box at Siva's feet ten paces away.

It was a six-sided box hand-sized in every side. Its surface color is dark purple, giving the impression that what's inside it is what Siva thought it was.

"Is that the Zodiac Artifact?"

"Yes, Milord. Inside is the artifact I found in the floating temple in Hagonoy 20 Cycles ago."

Siva swallowed, he didn't even ask for the Mana Gathering Spell Formation, the Mana Stones, or the Memory Crystal.

He thought...

"The applications of being able to go back in time are limitless. Whether I can change the History of Terroa and create a butterfly effect into the game or not won't change anything for these players..."

His mind worked with possibilities. Perhaps Siva could change the fate of a lot of people with this.

"Maybe I can even use it to rescue Baron in time before he gets out of Alexandria. He's a [player], and in effect, the system itself will be the one that will go back in time and affix whatever changes I do in the background and environmental data, disregarding the present status and location of players affected by the game changes, and would perhaps only change Baron's situation..."

Siva firmly believed that since they aren't part of the preset data and [editable information] of the game, the players won't be involved with any of those "Butterfly Effect" that may happen in Terroa after he changed what already happened.

Only the present location data of the target of his change will be affected by his rescue.

And especially since the event in Alexandria only happened recently, the Butterfly Effect —if any— won't be that big and may not even be significant at all to the overall current situation.

As such, in his eyes, the Zodiac Artifact was more important than the Mana Gathering Formation and the Mana Stones... at least, the same importance as the Memory Crystal of his mom.

—but there was also a chance that another one of the Time Paradox theories will happen.

—–—that this game world will NOT PERMIT any changes that will occur on its established data.

As soon as this second eventuality occurred to him, Siva was brought to his feet and his mind is so shaken he swallowed, closed his eyes then looked apologetically at Gaia.

"I'm sorry. I lost myself in there."

Gaia looked intently at him and said, "Were you thinking about saving your brother with this?"

Siva nodded, "Yes. I thought I could go back in time and save him before he was taken away by the enemies that are now staying in Dakar."

"You have Intel on his current location?" Gaia was surprised, "Who told you?"

"A few new subordinates." He replied. "Someone brought him back from Alexandria and kept him in Dakar... perhaps for further observation."

Gaia's blonde brows frowned, "Your Excellency, I am sorry to disappoint you but you can't go back on a timeframe that's too early in the past, even if you are with this Zodiac Artifact."

Siva's breathing shortened, "Why not?"

"Because not only does the Zodiac Artifact need an anchor to lock into the 'reason' why you went back in time, the item you're going to use as the anchor have to be connected to the reason why you went back in time. Or else, you risk not only wasting the chance of using the Artifact but you may also miss the exact time period and so may be sent to a time where your target doesn't exist."

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