Chapter 056: The Circumstances Leading to Providing Emails

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AN: About the title, it's just a pun. Back in 2012 (or was it 2011? Whatever.), I read about this Light Novel called "The Circumstances Leading to Waltraude's Marriage" that although the story didn't give much impact to me, the characters does... especially Waltraude (I don't know if I got her name right) with her so many excuses in her "reluctance" in doing a wife's job(s); and Freya, the Goddess of Fertility, with her...... fertility (you know what I mean). It was a funny LN. But make no mistake, the contents of the chapter is not related in any way with this LN. I just recalled this LN in the spur of the moment because of the contents of the chapter and so decided to name the chapter after that LN.... but *disclaimer* the chapter contents aren't connected to that LN, it's only the title itself... but it's not a spoiler... but, oh well, yeah, whatever.....

Enjoy the read.

Chapter 056: The Circumstances Leading to Providing Emails

When Alice received the message, she was so shocked that she audibly gasped and pulled the attention of the Atropos members around her.

"What is it?" Paak approached her and asked.

"There's going to be a War. A huge one." she put it in simpler words but it still felt vague and very surprising considering the members of Atropos was not too trusting of an outsider like her.

Still, the colors on her face drained as she felt a true sense of fear for Baron's safety. "This is madness... this is just too....... this is... this is..."

If it was seen in a gamer-mode visual rendering, FlowerLord would've looked like a trembling cat with an emoji of being scared above her head.

But all of these people are pro-gamers.

To them, experiencing the game means turning off all unnecessary settings and just plainly living in it like it was 'real' reality.

"Efel, why are you trembling? You're scaring me."

FlowerLord looked at Waan and bit her lips.

"I just received a paid newsletter from a contact in the Terran-Human Alliance... they said that an entire Demon Armada consisting of trillions of Demons and eight Motherships the same size as the one that appeared in Jeremiah is coming to Terroa within nine months. Preparations for war are already undergoing its initial arrangements."

FlowerLord showed them the email but hid the other details from view and reading it made them all frown with some even gasping in surprise just like how FlowerLord did.

"I don't believe it. Tis gotta be a lie!" A member tried to say it without his voice trembling but he ultimately failed as his face was a look of panic.

He wasn't scared of the Demons. He was scared of not being able to go back.

"Stark, what about our mission?"

The man in question was silent.

He was still mulling over what he just read.

FlowerLord was also deep in thought. This event caused so much change in Terroa. Only a few hours had passed and yet Siva was already on a new task right after accomplishing something.

Does he ever even rest?


There was no reason for Siva to scare them by sending a false message, especially when it was concerning the last family he had left.

And thus, just by that alone, she knew that the news was genuine and that Siva won't let the guy who told him this information go if he was lying.

Stark didn't let this news go and quickly tried to calm his members and asking FlowerLord, "Are you sure this is legit?"

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