E6P9: Yuzu Tea

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[Outside Signal House, Heart Signal Day 9]
{OST: "Again" by Secrets In Stereo}

Taehyung raised his eyebrows.
Taehyung: About?
Jisoo shrugged.

Jisoo: Just things in general

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Jisoo: Just things in general. What you said about love and not basing my worth on the number of messages I get or what others think of me.
Taehyung smiled a little.
Taehyung: And? What has come out of your little thoughts?
Jisoo smiled.
Jisoo: I think I see your point. I've always found it hard to be confident in myself when others are telling me otherwise, but now I finally see the value of it. I've been working on that, I guess, instead of thinking so much about who I like in the house.
Taehyung smiled.
Taehyung: That's actually great. Well... now that we're on the topic- I feel like even though this programme is primarily started for us to come here and pursue love and relationships, it is also a great opportunity for us to learn more about ourselves and improve on ourselves. So ultimately, if you come out mentally stronger and more confident, whether you leave with someone you like doesn't really matter at all. You'll be the clear winner.
Jisoo laughed.
Jisoo: You're right. I feel like in these past 10 days, I've already grown stronger than I have in the past entire year. And 99% of that is actually thanks to you.
Taehyung laughed.
Taehyung: You give me too much credit. The same words said to someone else who is not as receptive as you are, will not have the same effect. Besides, I'm all theory. I have so much to learn too, and I've still been actively trying to put what I said into action in real life.
Jisoo laughed. The two became silent for a while, and they continued to saunter along the pathway, Taehyung kicking stones out of his way from time to time.
Taehyung: But I think no matter what, won't there be someone you're interested in? I heard that there's a second date coming up soon, there's bound to be someone you want to ask out, isn't there?
Jisoo raised her eyebrows, letting out a surprised laugh.
Jisoo: Wait- how did you know?
Taehyung laughed.
Taehyung: This is a secret, but I think I overheard Chungha asking Hoseok-hyung out a couple of days ago.
Jisoo burst into laughter.
Jisoo: What?
Taehyung: Don't tell Hoseok-hyung or Chungha I know... it's a secret.
Jisoo laughed.
Jisoo: I got it... Wow, Chungha sure moves fast.
Taehyung nodded.

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