E13P4: Insecurities

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[Kyochon Chicken, Heart Signal Day 29]
{OST: "Winter Flower" by Younha ft. RM}

Yoongi took a large gulp of his beer, pretending not to hear Namjoon. But when he put down his mug not-so-gently a few moments later, it was clear that he had heard him... and was not pleased.

Yoongi: I made up my mind, okay? Just because I didn't tell you about it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen

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Yoongi: I made up my mind, okay? Just because I didn't tell you about it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. I just don't think we're on that level of acquaintanceship yet.
Namjoon: The problem is not that I don't know... and not even that the rest of us don't know, but even she herself doesn't know. Do you see the issue here?
Namjoon grabbed his mug from the table and chugged what was left of it. He put up his hand.
Namjoon: Sajang-nim! Three more beers over here!
Hoseok: Ya! Namjoon-ah-
Hoseok frowned as he grabbed his friend by the arm.
Hoseok: One is good enough for me and Taehyung-ie, you know we don't hold our alcohol well.
Namjoon: Who said they were for you? All four are for me.
Taehyung's jaw dropped. Yoongi rolled his eyes as he added on his order.
Yoongi: Sajang-nim! Four more beers for me!
Namjoon: Make mine four as well!
Hoseok: Ya! Namjoon-ah-
Taehyung: Hyung, your alcohol tolerance isn't-
Namjoon shook his head subtly.
Namjoon: I just feel like drinking tonight because I'm happy. Let me be, guys - I'll be fine.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Jieun: Ya- does Namjoon-ssi know what he's in for? Challenging Yoongi to drinking? That's like digging his own grave.
Seokjin: We all know what a strong drinker Yoongi is... Yoojung-ah, is Namjoon-ssi a good drinker?
Yoojung frowned.
Yoojung: I know Taehyung-oppa and Hoseok-oppa are really bad at drinking and Namjoon-oppa is slightly better... but definitely not as good at Yoongi-oppa. He watched the previous season, I think he knows what a good drinker Yoongi-oppa is - he just doesn't wanna back down tonight.
Byulyi: Ya... I'm worried for that guy. Yoongi really is a strong drinker. His alcohol tolerance is through the roof... I don't think he'll get that drunk even from those five pints of beer.

[Kyochon Chicken, Heart Signal Day 29]

The boss of the restaurant came over carrying a large tray with eight pints of beer, before transferring them onto the table and leaving with an alarmed expression on her face. Hoseok and Taehyung exchanged worried glances as they chomped on their chicken in silence.

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