Epilogue (3): Thank You

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{OST: "Love, ing" by Ben}

Soyeon stood in the cold night, her legs bare and shuddering in the biting cold. From where she was, standing in the middle of an overhead bridge, she overlooked the city of Seoul, which was bustling with life. Meanwhile, Soyeon's face, in contrast, was cold and pale. Her lips were purple from the cold, as she stared out into the beautiful Seoul nightscape, deep in thought.

 Her lips were purple from the cold, as she stared out into the beautiful Seoul nightscape, deep in thought

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Then, slowly but ever so surely, a look of resolution spread across her face. It was at that moment that Soyeon had finally found the courage to do what she had been procrastinating to do in the past ten minutes. With a shaky hand, Soyeon lifted up her phone to eye level. After punching a couple of numbers into her phone with her other equally shaky hand, she held the phone up to her ear.

It took only two and a half rings for her call to go through. As she heard his gruff deep voice on the opposite end of the phone, Soyeon felt her heart begin to race. Two and a half rings was way less time than Soyeon needed to sort out her thoughts and think of what she should, or would, say.


Soyeon's throat felt dry as she tried to answer him as well as she could. "Hello?"

"Oh, hi."

"Oppa," Soyeon forced a smile. Since young, her mom had told her that smiles can be heard, especially on phone calls, when you're forced to hear them, simply because you can't see them. Soyeon really didn't feel like smiling, but she did so anyway. "It's me, Soyeon-ie."

There was a long suffocating pause on the other end of the line, and Soyeon tried to ease her nervousness by kicking at the rocks on the pavement she was standing on.

"Mm," Yoongi's voice was gruff. "I know."

Soyeon felt like her heart was in her throat

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Soyeon felt like her heart was in her throat.

"I..." Soyeon began her sentence without even planning what to say. Or rather, how to say it. Or rather, whether she even wanted to say it. "Are you surprised I called you?"

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