E7P6: Misled

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[Royal Bowling Alley, Heart Signal Day 11]

Soyeon: Alright- we're here.
Yoongi and Soyeon arrived at the place for their first date and as it turned out, it was a bowling alley.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Seokjin jumped up from his seat.
Seokjin: Bowling! I like bowling. Actually, I think it's a really good choice for dates. Isn't it great for initiating natural skinship?
Byulyi: Yeah, but you think Yoongi's the type to do such things?
Seokjin sat down.
Jungkook: But still! Bowling is fun, isn't it? What do the girls think? Hm, Jieun-ah?
Jieun shook her head.
Jieun: Boring. And it's really noisy in bowling alleys, so... not a fan.
Jungkook frowned as his eyes shifted onto Yoojung.
Jungkook: What about you, Yoojung?
Yoojung scrunched her nose and pouted slightly.
Yoojung: Not a fan either.
Jimin: Soyeon-ssi must be different from you guys then, since she brought Yoongi-hyung here.

[Royal Bowling Alley, Heart Signal Day 11]
{OST: "Best Of Me" by John K}

Yoongi and Soyeon made their way into the bowling alley.
Soyeon: So... do you like bowling? Can you bowl?

 do you like bowling? Can you bowl?

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Yoongi: I'm okay at it, I guess. But I'm just curious - why did you choose this place? Do you like bowling or something?
Soyeon laughed.
Soyeon: Yeah, to be honest, I really like bowling. But I'm just alright at it.
Yoongi laughed.
Yoongi: That's perfect then, I can teach you.
The two rented bowling shoes, chose their bowling balls and went to the lane they were assigned to.
Yoongi: So... do you know the proper footwork?
Soyeon raised her eyebrows.
Soyeon: There is a proper footwork involved in bowling?
Yoongi nodded as he grabbed a bowling ball to demonstrate.
Yoongi: Yeah, you see- first you take two steps forward, then on your third step you swing back your arm and on your fourth and last step you swing forward and let go!
Yoongi and Soyeon watched as the ball rolled towards the bowling pins.
Yoongi: You see... slowly... slowly... it's coming back to the center because I put a topspin on the ball- there! Not bad, isn't it?
The ball hit 7 pins. Soyeon jumped into the air, clapping her hands excitedly.
Soyeon: Woah, daebak! Oppa, that was fantastic. 7 pins is amazing.
Yoongi smiled, looking flattered as he rolled his second ball. The ball hit 1 pin this time, and Soyeon still clapped for him enthusiastically.
Soyeon: Woah, oppa, you're so amazing. Also, I never expected that I'll one day end up bowling with literally my favourite rapper in the world.
Yoongi blushed as he took a seat, gesturing quickly for Soyeon to take her turn, so that her attention would be diverted away from him. Soyeon hesitatantly picked up a ball and glanced at Yoongi with a sheepish smile.
Soyeon: My posture may not be the best...
Yoongi: It's okay! Just give it a try, I'm not perfect either.
Soyeon shrugged.
Soyeon: Alright then, here I go-
Soyeon clutched the ball between her two palms, took three mechanical steps forward and released. The ball was somehow in the centre, and knocked down all 10 pins at once.

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