E11P1: Final Dates

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[Heart Signal Panel]

Seokjin: The most interesting, suspenseful game! The guessing game of romantic attraction, "Heart Signal". The six love forecasters with razor sharp instincts are here!

 The six love forecasters with razor sharp instincts are here!

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The panelists applauded loudly.
Jieun: Okay, hurry up- let's hop right into it.
Jungkook laughed.
Jungkook: What's the hurry? Let's do a short recap on what happened last week first.
Jieun sighed.
Byulyi: I get why Jieun-ie is so excited to begin though, last week we really ended on such a high note.
Jieun: Right? We got two guesses wrong and for both our guesses, we guessed Taehyung-ssi, but it turned out to be Yoongi.
Yoojung: Right... that's crazy. To be honest, I thought hard about it when I went home and honestly, I get why Chungha-ssi might choose Yoongi-oppa...
Seokjin: Why?
Jimin: We concluded that it could be because Yoongi-hyung is Hoseok-ssi's roommate, so if Chungha-ssi ends up choosing him... she'll at least get to find out more about Hoseok-ssi's feelings.
Byulyi: That's possible! But watch it turn out to be because Chungha-ssi also likes Yoongi... that will be the biggest plot twist in history.
Jungkook: But I think we're all more surprised about Jennie-ssi not picking Taehyung-ssi as one of her choices though. She picked Yoongi-hyung her first choice followed by Namjoon-ssi as her second choice... I mean, does that even make sense?
Jieun shook her head.
Jieun: I tried to think about it from her point of view... and I still don't get it. She literally just had a talk with Taehyung-ssi earlier in the day about not wanting to give up on him... but then later at night she goes ahead and picks someone else over him? It just makes no sense.
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.
Jungkook: Unless... she saw Jisoo-ssi and him looking so happy together and decided to give up?
Yoojung shook her head with a frown.

Yoojung: I don't think so, actually

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Yoojung: I don't think so, actually. But she probably has a reason for what she did.
Jimin: True, and we'll only find out when we start watching! So let's begin.
Seokjin: Wah... I'm excited. Today we get to see them go on their final dates. I wonder where they'll all go.
Jungkook: Unlike what we predicted... instead of Jisoo-ssi and Jennie-ssi having the same first choice of Taehyung-ssi... we now have Jennie-ssi and Soyeon-ssi clashing in terms of their first choice of Yoongi-hyung, am I right? I wonder who will go out with Yoongi-hyung and who will go out with Namjoon-ssi, since both their choices are the same.
Jieun: Oh, wow... I'm curious to find out about that too. And also to find out how Hoseok-ssi and Chungha-ssi's date, as well as Jisoo-ssi and Taehyung-ssi's first date, goes! Without further ado, let's begin!

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