Author's Note (2)

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ah!!! yet another fic is over!! quoting one of my readers.. the feeling is bittersweet, it really is.

heart signal x season 2 was honestly such a roller coaster ride of emotions for me, simply because i was so afraid about whether it's live up to everyone's expectations or not! i was also afraid that the first one was popular because of the ships involved and this one wouldn't have done as well...

but now that we've finally come to the end,, i would like to give a big shoutout to all of u who have been consistently reading my fics and leaving such beautiful encouraging comments on every chapter!! i seriously LIVE for those comments and read every single one of them,, sometimes chuckling to myself when some of u get too riled up

i also just wanted to explain a bit to some of u who might be a bit... disappointed with the ending. well,, the first season was all mostly fluff and romance, where all the characters (albeit some conflicts in between) ended up with a happy ever after. however, this season, i wanted to have a bit of a switch up, whereby instead of focusing on making sure all the characters ended up with someone in the end, i wanted to focus on the character development, the lessons learnt, the different types of problems people may encounter in a relationship, the insecurities some may have about their partner, etc. so i guess... this season is more mature, and definitely more realistic.

in this season, we see taehyung and jisoo progressing from friends to lovers, which on the surface isn't that different from seokjin and byulyi's relationship. however, a difference between the two is that they handled it in a much more mature and direct way, so we get to see seokjin and byulyi as panelists reflecting on what they could have done better in the past.

meanwhile, yoongi and soyeon's relationship is actually a really... confusing one you could say. yoongi went back into the house not out of his will, but because suran kinda forced him back there, hoping he'd find someone better. some long distance relationships stand the test of time, and that was what yoongi wanted to try, but suran wanted to keep the secret of her health issues from him. soyeon didn't have feelings for yoongi at the very start. she was just a fan and he was being cold to her, so why should she? but as she grew to know about his situation and saw him opening up to her, she began to get to know the real yoongi and started falling for him. yoongi reciprocated these feelings, but he felt guilty because he had come for the purpose of proving to suran that he could resist "temptations". but he eventually broke up with suran to be with soyeon, only to be rejected by her because she was done with all his indecisiveness. at the end, there was an extremely heart-breaking scene between yoongi and soyeon, and that was to portray the harsh reality that sometimes even when two people like each other, they're just not meant to be. like what seokjin said: "the right person at the wrong time".

hoseok and chungha added lightness to the entire series. the only problems they faced was the fact that hoseok felt bad for liking his friend's crush at the beginning and that chungha wasn't sure if hoseok was being flirtatious to everyone or just her. these two problems were resolved easily, however, the former when namjoon started realising that chungha wasn't the right fit for him and the latter when chungha realised overtime that hoseok was only like that to her because he liked her.

namjoon's feelings is definitely more complicated than anything. namjoon formed a close bond to jennie later on in the story and these two were strictly platonic. meanwhile, namjoon kinda had a history with the other three girls. chungha was namjoon's ideal type. his crush. he really thought she was for him... until their date. that was when namjoon realised he had close to nothing in common with chungha despite him thinking that she was his ideal type. he began pursuing jisoo instead, thinking that she was the next closest to his ideal type, but only when he hung out with soyeon later on, he realised that he had feelings for her. it was the most unexpected thing ever, for namjoon, because soyeon was nothing close to his ideal type. this just shows that your ideal type may not necessarily be the right one for you,, i left an open ending for namjoon and soyeon, with room for their relationship to develop, because i did not think that it was realistic for soyeon to change her feelings so quickly after barely even starting to get over yoongi. however, since namjoon had provided her with a lot of support from day one, her heart was always open to him. i felt that an open ending was appropriate.

jennie had feelings for taehyung from start to end. unfortunately, taehyung never looked her way. well, he tried, but as he had explained from the beginning, he was one who couldn't bring himself to love someone who loved him but he didn't have feelings for. jennie was extremely heartbroken that her best friend was the girl taehyung liked, but seeing that they both liked each other, jennie wished them all the best. there was some hint of yoongi and jennie's budding friendship at the end too... and i'll leave readers to imagine whatever ending they prefer.

so... hopefully after all this explanations,, y'all understand better! and can appreciate the ending better. i also focused a lot more on the conversations and words in this season, instead of the actions. i felt like what the characters said can say more about them than what they do sometimes. i actually really liked this season a lot, so i hoped you did too! i also hope that it managed to showcase a different style of writing, because as i grow older, i have been working hard on making my fics more mature (like in the brightest star) and less of the childish romance you might have seen in s1 or the transfer student. the latter is cute too, but i've taken a liking into the former lately.

let me know what u think about my fic in the comments section below! i really appreciate constructive feedback and ways i can improve on because it will only make me better! finally, i currently two drafts i am working on (which i will both eventually publish) and wanna know which of the two you'd like to see first:
1. kpop idol x ordinary girl romance (kooku, seokbyul, yoonnie)
2. university romance (luqi, taennie, chunghope)

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