E10P2: Disaster

757 33 16

[Signal House, Heart Signal Day 15]
{OST: "Roses" by Chainsmokers & ROZES}

Jisoo nodded excitedly.
Jisoo: So let me do this... I can do this, oppa. Just trust me.
Hoseok: You sure?
Jisoo smiled assuringly.
Jisoo: Mmhmm.
Hoseok shrugged as he headed over to the other side of the table.
Hoseok: Alright then. On the count of three, you need to lift up this section of the table together with me, alright?
Jisoo smiled and nodded.
Jisoo: Got it, oppa.
Hoseok: 1... 2... 3... lift!
Hoseok lifted his side of the table and so did Jisoo. But because Jisoo wasn't holding on tight enough to the table, in a split second, it slipped out of her grip and slammed down onto her toe.
Jisoo: OW-
Jisoo yelled loudly, wincing in pain as she crouched to the ground, clutching her foot.

[Heart Signal Panel]

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[Heart Signal Panel]

A loud gasp filled the studio.
Jieun: Omo!
Jungkook: Ow-
Byulyi: Oh no, that's gonna hurt-
Seokjin: Ah!
Yoojung: Aigoo...
Jimin: Omo- Omo-

[Signal House, Heart Signal Day 15]

Hoseok rushed to her side instantly.
Hoseok: Ya! Jisoo-ya, are you okay?
Jisoo shook her head, wincing in pain.
Jisoo: Oppa- it hurts-
The door opened at that moment and Taehyung walked in, his hands full of groceries.
Taehyung: Hi guy, I'm ba-
Taehyung's eyes widened and face fell as he spotted Jisoo rolled over on the floor, clearly in pain. He didn't even waste time taking of his shoes - he dropped everything in his hands and made it to Jisoo's side in two seconds, his face etched with worry.
Taehyung: Ya! Kim Jisoo!
Hoseok stepped away so that Taehyung could tend to her.
Taehyung: What on earth happened?
Jisoo couldn't reply, so Taehyung looked up at Hoseok instead, in search of an answer.
Taehyung: What happened, hyung?
Hoseok pursed his lips guiltily.
Hoseok: I was setting up the table... and Jisoo wanted on help out...
Taehyung's eyes flared as he got to his feet.
Taehyung: Hyung! How could you do that? You know such things aren't easy, even if she wanted to help out, you should have stopped her-
Hoseok lowered his head.
Hoseok: Yeah, it's all my-
Jisoo: No-
Jisoo shook her head, struggling to prop herself up from the floor. Taehyung bent down to support her.
Jisoo: It's my own fault... I insisted on helping out.
Taehyung was evidently upset.
Taehyung: Why the hell would you insist on helping out?!

[Heart Signal Panel]

Jimin: Ya- Ya- Kim Taehyung, now's not the time... go attend to her injury first... she's literally bleeding right now...
Jieun: Yeah, I agree... what is he doing?
Seokjin: He's angry with her for helping out because he's heartbroken to see her in this state, I guess. But you're right, now's definitely not the time. How can you scold someone who's already injured?

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