My Light in the Darkness (Tandy Bowen, aka Dagger)

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Tandy Bowen sat near the edge of one of the many buildings in New York, observing the city's lights. It has been quite some time since she had been in New York and she couldn't help but miss the hidden beauty that the city projected from time to time. One of her most memorable moments in the city has been her encounter with Spider-Man. The conversation she had with him had always stayed on her mind, even after all the years that had passed since then.

Dagger, her hero codename, had sighed as she remembers why she was here in the first place. Tyrone had just died and she didn't have nowhere to go, no purpose... nothing. She was nothing without Cloak. And it has been Spider-Man's words that have kept her going, albeit slightly. She hoped she could see him again and see what kind of wisdom he would impart her with.

"You're not the only ones with special powers that make you different. And you are not the only ones to have problems. The trick is to not let your powers become your problem so that they set you apart from those you love"

How much she wished she had listened in the past. Because letting her power become the problem was the thing that got her into this situation. She had no one... no family, no friends, and definitely no lover. Tyrone had been her everything and now that he was gone... she didn't know what else to do.

"Well... This is a nice surprise! Why is Dagger, the brightest heroine I know, doing here in the big city?" Her golden hair flicked around with her face as she stared right at one of the many things that have been roaming her mind. Spider-Man was there knelt in one of his unique positions in the corner of the building she was in. She still could remember his dark brown lock in her hands. And his lips... "Dagger? Tandy? You there?"

"Eh... Oh. Yeah... I'm alright" Dagger muttered as she moved her face to look forward towards the city, though it didn't mean that she was not giving glances towards the hero that was there with him. She wanted to tell her what was her problem but the damage to her heart was too much to handle.

"No you are not..." Peter stated as a fact, making Dagger flinch. The hero narrowed his eyes a bit before walking to her position on the edge of the building and sitting beside her. He could feel the glances that she was giving him, which actually made him smile a bit. It still meant that there was a bit of the Tandy Bowen that he knew so well. "Something happened and you are trying to evade it. Tell me... You know you can trust in me"

Dagger knew that better than anyone. That day that she kissed him, she had taken off his entire mask, letting her see who was the man behind the mask, though she still didn't know his name. He could have just stopped her hand as soon as his mouth was out in the open, but he didn't and that day has been one of the most memorable days in her life. If he could trust her with his secret identity, she can try and share what was happening to her.

"You were right... You have always been right" She whispered. She knew that it wasn't enough for Spider-Man to actually guess what was happening with her, but it was a nice start. Admitting her own fault has always been a good start as any. She could slowly keep explaining her words to the hero besides her if he was still confused.

"Well... I know that I am always right" Peter joked, trying to ease up the tension Tandy seemed to have cuddled up, and it seems that he did because he could see the slight twitch in her cheeks. It was always good to make someone happy, which made Peter celebrate in a soundless 'Whoop!'. "But... can you explain to me what I was always right?"

"Remember the day you were trying to reunite me with my loved ones?" Tandy glanced at Spider-Man and saw him nod. She chuckled a bit when mid nod, the hero stopped moving completely and moved his face to see hers. While she couldn't see his hazel eyes because of the mask, her green eyes were focused on his own. "Well... I now have no one else to help me during my time of need. And Tyrone is-"

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