Lucky Siren (Theresa Cassidy, aka Siryn)

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Theresa Cassidy screeched in pain, covered in a light blue gown as she felt unbelievable pain. She was sweating inmensively, even feeling drenched in places that she didn't know she sweated through. Her back created a slight arc, her eyes closed as she felt another pulse of pain.

"Fuck!" She cursed, her mind thinking up of many words she could use to describe the pain she was currently feeling. And she could think of many she could say at the moment, but the pain was way too much. She was unable to even utter long words.

"Tess... You are doing great! Just a bit more" She glared at the man by her sides. She was clenching his hand, using her enhanced strength to squeeze even harder. It gave her a tad amount of pleasure knowing that she broke his hand, if the expression on his eyes meant anything at all.

"I hate you!" The man winced, looking just as his lover closed her eyes in pain. He knew that she didn't mean it, that her words were just the effect of the unbelievable pain she was feeling. Because he, Peter Parker, knew that his lover loved him dearly. She even screamed, literally, Venom apart when the villain was close to killing him.

"I love you too, my siren" Peter whispered lovingly, kissing the forehead of Theresa Cassidy. He had to move a couple of orange strands, but he didn't care. He was finally turning into a father, a gift that had been taken from him in his previous relationship. "Just a little more"

"Miss Parker, we are almost there" He smiled slightly, hearing the nurse talking to his lover as if they were married. Don't get him wrong, he is going to propose to her and now with a baby uniting them both. But he didn't expect for the nurse to call Theresa by his last name. "I just need you to-"

"I am pushing!" Theresa screamed at the nurse, switching her glare from her lover towards the nurse in question. She was slightly glad that the nurse shrieked a bit in fear, but it didn't calm the pain down. It only grew and grew, even as it was nearing the end. "Why won't he come out?!"

"Just calm down, my love..." Peter shushed Theresa softly, a whisper that would have sent shivers down her spine. His words were like silver, being able to convince anyone if he decided to do so. And it was one of the things she loved about him, but the pain clouded her mind.

"Don't tell me to ca-Ah!" She interrupted herself, huffing and puffing to push her baby out of her body. She tightened her hold on Peter's hand, crushing it again. She even let out a long screech of pain, until everything went blank. She felt nothing, the pain fading away as quick as it came. But the soft whimpers made her tired eyes look up in hope.

"Congratulations, it's a boy" Peter had to hold back a sob from escaping his throat. His hands trembled quite a bit as he saw the nurse giving him his son after doing the mandatory procedures. He looked straight at his son, the baby already in his arms. He could see just how he was left alone with his lover and their baby.

"P-Peter..." He looked back at Theresa, a tired smile over her face. He knew what she wanted, her eyes asked the unasked question. So without any more words spoken between the two, Peter gave their child to her. He could see them, their baby whimpering softly and with Theresa looking at their son lovingly. "Sean..." Peter had to hold back a flinch, remembering the name of his lover's father. Sean Cassidy, also known as Banshee, was dead. He had to console Theresa for about two days. "I want to call him Sean, after my... my..."

"Tess... It's okay" Peter tried to calm down his histeric lover, tears already drenching her cheeks. He had to caress her face with his thumb, removing the falling tears. He loved her too much to see her suffering so much. "Sean it is... Sean Parker" Peter saw just how she made a slight smile at his remark. It made him realize that their bond had gotten stronger than ever. "He would be so proud of you..."

"But... I wanted him to be here" She whispered, closing her eyes as she kept on crying in solitude. She obviously knew that she was not alone, Peter was right there besides her. But she still needed him, still needed her father. "But he's dead... And he's never coming back"

"Tess... Look at me please" She hesitated slightly, but did as she was told anyways. She could see his eyes, the hazel eyes that always were able to calm her down whenever she was feeling sad or angry. She relaxed against him, their baby between them in a protective hold. "You have me, and I am never leaving you... or our kid. I promise..."

"Thank you..." She cried yet again, her tears falling into the head of their baby. Tears immediately disappeared from existence because she was constantly wiping Sean's little head. "And Petey..."

"Yes?" She noticed that she had his undivided attention, she always had. Ever since they started to spend more time with each other, in and out of costume, she had him wrapped around her fingers. But she knew what really was happening. They both had each other wrapped around their fingers.

"I'm sorry... For saying-"

"I know... That was just the pain talking" Peter kissed her lightly on the lips, enjoying the slight moment together. She moaned lightly, loving the heat he always seems to make her feel. It made her realize that she made the better choice that day, the day she had to choose over Jamie Madrox or Peter Parker. "I know you love me dearly, Tess"

"And never forget it" She was already calmer, just enjoying Peter's company right beside her. She didn't know what else was in store for the two of them, but she knew one thing. Their family would persevere, defeating any challenge that may come their way. And if anyone wanted to harm their son... She just knew that whoever even think about it, would not survive the encounter. She and Peter would make sure of it.

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