Colors of the Wind (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, aka Talisman)

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She was running, her feet dragging her far from enemy forces. She feared that this moment would arrive. She had been trying her best to not let her people suffer the consequences of the actions of others. She didn't even want to know what chaos the devil himself would reign upon her clan for going against him. Even with the help of some of her friends, it was not enough. Thankfully, she had the help of someone who had become someone very special to her in a very short amount of time.

"Liz!" She turned around, her hair whipping backwards as her eyes caught up the figure of the red and blue arachnid hero. Spider-Man was swinging through the trees, swiftly evading the roots as he landed right in front of her. He had been her light in the darkness of war. Someone who had believed that she was able to stop everything from even happening. But even she knew that the manipulations of the devil were too strong to fight against.

"Peter!" She was happy to actually see the man in front of her. She was worried sick for him, always praying for his safety. She knew that both of their beliefs were crontadictive to one another, but she actually didn't care. It was the first time in her life that she could make her own decisions. Her father had already promised her that she could decide who she wanted to be with. "I am so glad you are ok..."

"I'm fine, but you have to listen to me" Peter grabbed her by the shoulders, her eyes staring at the lenses of the mask. She was not in front of the hero who would often do jokes all the time. No, she was in front of the hero who didn't want to lose everything that he held dear. And she respected that, even admired that sudden change he had. "The corrupted are expanding, and they are coming here" She opened her eyes wide in fear. Her tribe, her family would be put in danger all because the devil just wanted more. It was unlikely that her people would survive the encounter, but there was still time to do something about it. She had to do something. "You have to warn them"

"What do you mean..." Her eyes widened even further than before, the intentions of the hero resonating between her ears. She would not allow him to sacrifice himself for her people. She needed him in her life. His actions were selfless, but she wanted her people safe and the man who unknowingly stole her heart. "No..." She shook her head, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him away from the danger. She was not about to lose him to the devil. She started crying, her strength not working properly. He was way stronger than her, she knew that very well. But it would not deter her from saving him. "You are coming with me to warn father"

"Liz..." She didn't want to hear his excuses. She didn't even want to see his face right now. All she wanted was to save him from his selfless mission. Her heart ached rapidly against her chest, the pain responding quickly to her feelings. She wouldn't be able to be sane if she ever saw his corpse. Just thinking about it made her shiver in fright if that happens. Her hand held his own with a stronger force, not wanting to let him go. He needed to be by her side, and it was the only place she would allow him to be right now. "You know that they would not listen to me"

"But they will listen to me!" She was desperate to find a solution to her predicament. But never in her life would she be able to withstand letting Peter go. He had protected her many times through the chaos that was the devil's war, she was not about to let him go. He was hers, only she could decide what she wanted to do with him! And she knew that she was being a hypocrite, she didn't really own Peter. But her heart would not allow her to let him die in vain.

"Liz, please..." She shook her head, not wanting to let him go. She knew that as soon as she let go of his hand, she would lose him. She didn't want that happening. Her heart throbbed, crying over the fact that she may lose him forever. It would be a long time until she could actually see him again. It made her clench his hand even tighter. "You have to let go..."

"No..." She sobbed, her eyes unloading the tears that she had been holding back. She pulled him once again, her feet stumbled with a pebble. It almost made her fall, though thankfully Peter held her and didn't let her fall. She smiled sadly at him, looking once more at the man before actually letting his hand go. She didn't want to and if she could change his mind, she would do so in a heartbeat. But she knew that it was impossible at this point.


She heard the soft sound, her eyes moving to focus on the waters. She couldn't see it clearly, but it was there. The ripple that she had created thanks to the pebble she had stumbled on was slowly fading but slowly expanding. She widened her eyes a bit, her mind catching the meaning the forest wanted to let her know. She was very lucky that her connection with the wild, while not a part of her powers, were very helpful from time to time.

"The ripples..." She whispered, smiling at the lake with a thankful expression on her face. She couldn't be more grateful for noticing such little details. She could see with a glance that Peter was also looking at them. She looked at him, her eyes unable to look anywhere else. She was happy that he was actually not trying to move towards the fight and was there admiring the slowly fading ripples.

"What about them?" His question made her chuckle slightly. Even with how smart he was, there were things that he simply couldn't get. Even if the answer was right in front of him, and it only made him more attractive to her eyes. She loved him very much, even if she had only a glimpse at what he truly looked like. She had almost discovered his face, and she only had her tribe to blame for not being able to find out who he was. And though she knew his name, she had yet to see his face.

"They are so small..." She whispered, getting even closer to the man. She reclined her head to his shoulder, just sighing in relief as the two of them watched the ripples completely fade away. "And look just how they grow..." Her head still remembered even bigger ripples that the one she had created for the pebble. It was symbolic, a reason for her to not give up her love. She wanted to be with Peter, be able to introduce him to her father properly and have a family with him. "But someone has to start them first"


"Peter, I can feel it in my heart..." Elizabeth moved his hand, placing it against her chest. It made her flush slightly, but surprisingly she felt relaxed. Just being near him made her feel better. She wanted to keep feeling this every single day of her life. She felt her heart beat faster as she thought of spending the rest of her life with him. "They will listen to me... Trust me" She moved her hands towards his mask, a slight hesitation in her movements. She wanted to see him for the first time, to see if she could also fall in love once again with the man who had supported her through this war. Her eyes stared directly into the lenses, her hands already touching the edge of the mask but not moving. "I love you, Peter... Just come with me... I don't want to lose you"

It was then that she decided to slowly remove his mask. Hesitation still filled her heart, feeling as if she was betraying the trust that he had put on her just by trying to remove his mask. But she didn't feel any resistance from him, so she continued. She even saw his smile, which motivated her to keep on removing the mask. And when she finally did, she felt her breath leave her chest. He was very handsome, surprisingly so.

She couldn't wait any longer, closing the gap between the two with a kiss. She felt a spark through her entire body, a low moan escaping from her muffled lips. She grabbed a hold of his neck, pulling him closer to her. She didn't want to let go, knowing that he made her feel like this. It was something magical, a tale only found in books or movies. But she could admit that she felt like she was in one. Her tribe could wait a bit longer, she needed to enjoy her kiss with Peter a bit longer. Nothing would take him away from her, and she would do anything in her power to not allow Peter to leave her side.

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