A Deviant's Lust (Rachel Leighton, aka Diamondback)

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"Be careful Spider-Man" Peter heard through the communicator he always had on him. He had been teaming up with Yuriko Watanabe for quite a while. He definitely did not see her eye to eye. Both of their different moralities towards villains conflicting against each other. But he knew that he could trust her to have his back covered when it was needed. So when she suddenly calls him through their private communicator, he suits up as Spider-Man to solve whatever this may be. "Whatever the Inner Demons are doing, it will be no good"

"Don't worry Yuri, I'll handle this" He sighs, terminating their communication. He looked slightly guilty for what happened to Yuri, but there was nothing else he could do about it. She had already decided on which path she wanted to walk on. He was no one to actually be able to change her mind, even if he wanted to protect her from that painful world. He was one man, and he had learned long ago that he can't save everyone.

He stared at the warehouse for about a moment. He didn't not expect to find anything worth noting. He just had to go in, beat every single demon in there and get out. To see if he could finally get a good sleep, but he knew that he would not be as lucky as that. But he was not angry because of it. It was his responsibility as a hero. He was not going to go back on his responsibilities because of one tiresome day.

"I mean... How hard can..." He entered slowly through the open doors of the warehouse. He already had everything under control, but reality was way different. His eyes widened in shock just at what was happening. His body froze for a moment, unbelieving of what the Inner Demons were actually doing in this situation. Anger swelled in his veins just by seeing what they were doing. "it be?"

In front of him were three members of the Inner Demon, showing their genitalia to a bound Rachel Laighton. He knew her as Diamondback, a fellow friend of Captain America and Domino, the one who had sided with them during the Civil War that they had against Iron Man sometime ago. Chains were around her arms and legs, the terrified expression over her face told him everything that he needed to know about what was happening.

"Hey monochronic perverts!" He yelled, webbing one of the closer to Diamondback. He pulled the web, the man infested by Mr. Negative's power is sent flying in his direction. He punched the man with everything he had, sending him back again towards the other end of the room. He was so angry that he did not care about what was happening. His sole focus was on saving Rachel from something that may as well traumatize her for life. "Why don't you tango with me? The pretty lady doesn't need to deal with your idiotic choices"

And it was not like he even gave them any time at all to even do something else. He rushed at the remaining two, his mind intending to break the two to pieces. He webbed the jaw of one of them, immediately pulling the web down and making his jaw crack against the floor. His senses flared loudly, his body twisting and making a hook kick to the remaining Inner Demon. The kick sent the villain flying back towards various crates that broke his fall. He was panting in anger, though he tried his best to calm down as he glanced at Rachel.

He didn't notice earlier, but her costume was way over damaged. The upper part of it was completely removed, making him able to see her perky breast. And the lower part was even worse than what he would have hoped for, the fabric probably being ripped by a knife that revealed her entire lower region. Though it was a miracle that her undergarment was still intact. He felt sorry for Rachel, he hoped he would have been faster in this situation.

"Diamondback..." He noticed just how her eyes shifted towards him, looking at him with what appeared to be thankfulness and desire. He was weirded out by that part of her look, immediately realizing it because of the glint her eyes gave when she looked up and down as if appreciating his body. Though he ignored it, it was not the first time that the female population has shamelessly admired his body right in front of him. He began to loosen up her restrictions, letting the pink haired female go "Let me get you out of here..."

"Thank you..." He heard her whisper, something that made him glad to hear. But sooner than what he expected, a purple mist began to encapsulate the warehouse. He widened his eyes at that, looking back to the crates that he broke with the last Inner Demon. The mist seems to be coming from there. He was mostly glad that his mask had something that prevented any kind of poison or mist from entering his nostrils. He looked carefully at the crates, seeing a broken vial inside it. He picked it up, immediately seeing a label that read 'GR-69'. He sweatdropped at the name of the apparent drug, before he was seemingly tackled by something.

"What the-" He interrupted himself, his eyes widening. He didn't feel his senses warn him of the sudden tackle that he had just received. So when he noticed Rachel straddling his hips with her own was a major surprise to him. He was about to say something else but her sudden rush of whatever was happening made her remove his mask and kiss him straight on the lips. He felt what was happening then, the sudden heat that entered through his nostrils and invaded his entire body was intoxicating. His excitement was over the roof, and that was not counting the normalcy that was to have a more sexually active body thanks to the spider bite that he suffered from when he got his powers.

It was in no time at all that he reciprocated the kiss, the effects of the drug affecting him as well. This was definitely not the thanks he would have preferred he would have gotten from the female but it was definitely not unwelcomed. He grabbed her thighs, moving her closer to his own body. His mind was not reasoning correctly, but it seems that he didn't really have to think at all for this. He knew exactly how to respond to this sort of action.

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