My Crush, My Love (Jessica Campbell, aka Jewel)

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Peter Parker sat in a chair, looking at the comatosed female in the hospital bed. His class had been informed of the tragedy that their fellow classmate had suffered, and he had made it his personal goal to visit her at least once a week. Sure he didn't personally know her, but he still visited her. Just so she felt as if she was not alone.

The beeps coming from the machines that kept her stabilized were constantly making him have a headache thanks to his enhanced senses but he just ignored it. He still had about another hour to be here next to her. He clenched his fist as he blamed himself for not being friends with her sooner. He was always focused on his pain and getting away that he didn't notice the others around him. He knew that he should make an effort to make more friends, and it was the first thing he will do when she wakes up.

He looked at her dark brown hair that was carefully brushed besides her comatosed form. He really needed to do more for her when she returned to the school. Even if it meant being the one that would provide a shoulder to be cried on. Peter stood up, approaching the female in bed, before he brushed a strand of hair that was on her forehead back to the place it should have been. He weakly smiled as he looked at the female. He knew he had things to do and responsibilities to maintain, so he turned around and began to walk away. He only stopped in front of the door, glancing back at the dark brown haired woman in bed.

"Get well, Jessica..." Was the only thing Peter said as he opened the door and went out of the hospital room. The third week in the hospital was finished, he just had to arrive the next week to see how she was once more. He really hoped she would get well quickly, he really wanted to be her friend.

Time Skip; Seven Months Later

Jessica Campbell, now Jessica Jones, had arrived once more at Midtown High. Her mood was not the same she had before the accident happened. She didn't know why she woke up, but she was happy she did. And although she didn't have her biological family with her any longer, she had been adopted by the Jones family which was a blessing for her.

She made it to the school, her dyed pink hair taking most of the attention. She didn't even want to be there, all she was receiving were pity looks from everyone there and she hated it. She hated how everyone seemed to forget who she was ridiculed before and were now pitying her?! But the sight of a boy who had encaptured her heart made her even more angry.

She could see how Peter Parker was walking towards her. When she wants to be alone he seems to notice her, but when she tries to approach him many times in the past, he is either not there or just runs away! And that look, the look that resembled more about being worried about her, but she could see right through his gaze. He was also pitying her, the person she had hoped that wouldn't pity her.

"Hey... Are you-"

"Why do you even care?!" The entire schod stayed quiet as Jessica's question rang through the entire hallway. She could see how Peter's eyes widened by a tad bit. She could notice the shock they had, as if she wasn't told about something. "You are like the rest of them! Just leave me alone!"

"But, are-"

"I said leave me alone!" Jessica yelled, making Peter stop talking. He got the message, loud and clearly. He just dropped his head before walking away. He couldn't believe that after visiting for almost eight months at the hospital when she was in a coma, this was the treatment that he would receive as payment for trying to do a good deed.

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