A Burning Passion (Elizabeth Ross, aka Red She-Hulk)

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It has been a few years since Elizabeth Ross has found out about Bruce Banner's marriage with another woman, who had died because of the group called, the Illuminati. She was angry at the man she was previously in love with that even without the powers she currently had now, she raged just like any gamma radiated mutate. Her rage had reached new heights that day, heights that she never thought possible. Just as she thought that Bruce would have never betray her this way.

But then he came, the man she was currently married with and had a one year old baby with. It came to a surprise to everyone, including herself. She didn't know how she started to fall in love with the man that had managed to calm her down completely, but she did and she couldn't be any happier with what they had together. She could still remember that day as if it was only the day prior. Every single detail had been engraved in her mind... and her lower body as well.

"I hope you come early today, my love..." She mumbled to herself as she had her one year old daughter, Amanda Parker, in her arms. She closed her eyes, reminiscing about the fateful day that change both of their destinies, and of those around them as well.

Flashback; Three Years Ago; With Elizabeth

"I hate you!" Elizabeth roared in rage and hurt as she grabbed the nearest object to her and tossed it far away from her. Her rage was explosive, never ending, and out right menacing. She didn't register when the objects broke in a loud crash throughout her apartment, nor did she cared about her surroundings. All she could see was the face of the one that had betrayed her trust and love, squashing it until there was nothing left. "Why you did this!" Her roars of agony replaced any hurt and pain she felt in her heart. She had put up a mask of anger and rage to cover up the pain she felt in her heart. She didn't know what else to do, nor that anyone would cared. The most important people in her life were to occupied doing their own things or had betrayed her in a mattered that couldn't be amended any longer.


The next thing she knew was that she had sent the table she had on her hands straight at the door, breaking the table and the door. The sudden yelp in pain managed to get Elizabeth out of her anger for a brief moment, her brain taking command once more. She opened her eyes in shock and slight fear, momentaneously conscious of what she was doing. She hesitated to even walk towards the now broken door, but she went to the wreckage that was her front door anyways. She had to apologies to whoever knocked on her door for hurting him or her in the first place. What she saw came to a shock to her, leaving her paralyze in front of the broken door.

There laid Spider-Man, his red and blue heroic spandex suit was slightly ruptured by the side, massaging his head. His lenses were squinted, as if the man behind the mask had his eyes closed because of the pain he was massaging away. Soft groans could be heard, making Betty Ross flinch a bit. He was hurt because of her, without doing nothing to gain said aggression. Sure the man may have annoyed her in the past, but it was nothing more than silly banter if she had to be honest.

"Ouch... Did someone got the number of that truck?" She could hear the man groan in discomfort as he began to stand up bit by bit. She noticed that the mask now had his lenses opened and looking straight at her. She flinched and looked away, guilt making it's way to her soul as she stared at the hero that probably wanted to see how she was dealing with everything. "Because the truck hits harder than Hulk, Maybe we could use it to neutralize him" This made Elizabeth smile a bit, chuckling into her hand. She didn't know how the man behind the mask did it, but she was certain that it must be a wondrous gift. "Ha! Got you to laugh. My job here is done"

"Thank you, Spider-Man, for trying to lift up my spirit but this is not something even you could remedy" Betty Ross stated as she walked inside of her apartment. She could see the disaster that she made in her apartment and couldn't help but blush slightly. She surely did a number on the furniture that was inside of her apartment, furniture that had costed her more than one paycheck in total. She couldn't help but sigh as she started to get the damaged furniture and round it all up in a corner for disposal.

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