Roots to the Truth (Mantis)

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She had landed on Wakanda territory, already having asked for permission from her fellow Avenger. She had to try and save her son. His actions made her heart clench, unable to even believe that her dear son was able to do such things. But she had already faced that truth, one where she knew that she was fully involved in. She just hoped she was not late.

"You got my message?" Her pod was opening, as her eye glanced to the side. Her eyes immediately caught up to the walking figures of Black Panther, She-Hulk and the Invisible Woman. She knew the treat that her son placed on Earth, subjugating millions of earthlings to suffering. She needed to guide him to his real path, one that even the great prophecy couldn't have predicted.

"Indeed..." She hummed softly as the man's words reached her ears. She was thankful for her friends' help to try to save her son. And even if she knew that some of them were not wanting to help her save him, she had to try her best. "As honored guests, not to mention fellow Avenger, must be greeted personally" She did not really care just how she was welcomed into his country, traditions didn't matter to her right at this moment. All she was thinking was how she would reveal everything to her son and save him from the path of the great prophecy. "Wakanda formally welcomes you, Mantis"

"Thank you, T'Challa" But she still acted respectfully. The man went out of his way to still uphold a personal greeting to her, and she was not about to ignore his welcoming. A slight nod made it clear that she had heard everything, even if her words also stayed such facts. "This one is here to save her son"

"Save him?" Mantis looked towards Susan Richards, a slight glare from the blonde woman made Mantis analyze everything she knew that would be said. She knew that the great tree was manipulating her son, having seen it at first glance. But the lie ran deep, a lie that she had to destroy from its roots. "He's taken thousands of sentient lives... Millions, if we believe his own account-"

"And he will pay a price for that" Mantis interrupted the woman, her eyes looking down a bit. She was already off of her ship, standing near the three heroes in the landing pad. "But it was not his decision alone. The boy's father whispers in his ear, poisoning him against his human heritage and against all animal life in turn" She explained, her heart knowing that it was already time to reveal everything. She would never forget the day she brought her son to life, the greatest day she could have ever experienced. But the lies and deceit from the Cotati were far gone out of reach. "This one believes that I can reach him, save him from the lies that the great tree had told him about animal life. If not, I fear that he may end up killing his own father..."

"But, isn't Swordsman dead?" Mantis looked at She-Hulk, her gaze lowering immediately. She was not looking at the trio, but even she could tell that their eyes were staring at her in confusion. It was now or never, the lies that the great tree had told would be uncovered, and the truth would be known. "Mantis, who is Quoi's father?

"The template that the great tree took the form of to mate with me, was the appearance of Spider-Man" She whispered, looking into the trio of heroes with slight remorse. And it was there that everything changed. She could see just how Susan Richards fell to the ground on her knees, ger eyes widen in shock; She-Hulk just stared at her in disbelief, a slightly opened mouth describing it very clearly; and the thinking expression of the king of Wakanda made it clear that he was thinking of another way out. "Please... Help this one save her son"

"We will... But forgive me, my friend, if I explore other ways of ending this war" Mantis could not fault him, she knew that it had to be done. But even then, all she wished for was for her son to be alive and well. She would not be able to bear her son's death. She just hoped that fate was on her side.

Time Skip; After the War

"Quoi, my son..." Mantis ran towards her son, who was currently apprehended by the Black Panther. She glanced at the man, who just gave her a nod in a certain direction to his left. She glanced, only to lower her face slightly and nod at the man. She hugged her son's head, though it was slightly difficult because of the height difference. "The great tree has been lying to you..."

"And how would you know? The great tree is everything to us. And even if he had taken the form of my earthling father, he is still the-"

"That is his lie, my son" Mantis interrupted him, the eyes of his son widened slightly. She looked towards the arachnid in the blue and black suit. It was weird to see him not wearing his red and blue suit, but that did not matter at the moment. She had to unveil the lie that the great tree had told her son. "The template of your father is not Swordsman... Is Spider-Man. Your real father is Spider-Man"

"Why would the great tree lie about it then?" Mantis really did not have an answer for her son about it. She did not care about the plans that the great tree had for her son. All she cared about was that her son was alright and alive. "Why?"

"The great tree, while benevolent to the Cotati, hated every animal life, my son. He was trying to poison you with his same beliefs" She tried to explain what she truly believed that the great tree had planned for Sequoia. The actions of the great tree transformed as Swordsman were, at best, the greatest manipulation she had ever seen. He played with everyone, even with the life of her son. "This one just wanted you to choose your own path... The great prophecy is insignificant to the destiny you must face as one of the arachnid's chosen, my son"

"Is Spider-Man that important?" She nodded, gently pushing her son towards the direction of the man that the great tree transformed itself to mate with her. She would never forgive herself for not seeing the truth, but she could not go back and stop it from happening. It may not have been the actual hero, but he was still Sequoia's father. And he was important to her, having saved her many times in the past. She even remembered when he saved her from Thanos that one time.

"Let's meet him, my son. This one believes that he will be very shocked to know the truth about you" She stated softly, walking with her still apprehended son towards the arachnid hero. She was thankful that fate was on her side in this fight, and just wished that it would not leave her side until she gained the strength to tell the hero the truth about Sequoia to him.

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