Bespeaking Volumes (Melissa Gold, aka Songbird)

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She had been dragging her feet across the ground, her teeth clenching against each other as she mustered the strength to continue moving. Her back was killing her, the added weight had been more than what she expected. Yet she knew she had to see this through, she had to finish what she started. A short pang to her heart made her stop, thinking about the moments that lead to the situation she found herself in.

She knew that she had made many mistakes in her past, mistakes that were irredeemable. But the one she made during all the events that had happened had to be her biggest yet. She could hardly look at the mirror as of late, could hardly stand to see her own face. She felt like a monster, someone that had crossed a line that should never be crossed. Glancing at the one she had been carrying on her back, she grimaced slightly as she clearly remembered what they had done to him to seek the answers that they wanted.

She had nothing against the arachnid themed hero on her back, having worked with him a few times when she had been part of the Avengers. But never would she have expected him to be a tough one, not with the vulnerability that he had right now. She didn't know what compelled the one who had been tasked to impersonate the arachnid themed hero to unmask the guy, but one look into his eyes and she could tell that he was hiding more than his face. And her decision to save him was only enforced once she found out that the Green Goblin had plans of revealing to the world the mangled body of the man.

"S-Sen... S-Senses... o-on a-alert..." She stopped, glancing briefly at the man on her back. Spider-Man, who still did not have his mask over his face, grunted softly and in pain. She quickly caught what he meant, looking around to see if she could hide anywhere. A brief look to her left, and she saw a wall that obstructed visibility from the passage. She pushed through, carrying the hero to the wall before settling him down. She also stood on guard, her back against the wall as she briefly looked towards the corridor. She heard it first, the engine and the maniacal laugh that she had been much familiar with for the past months.

She let out a sigh, her eyes glancing at the stable but unmoving hero. He was also staring at her, though she noticed that he was forcing himself to look at her. She smiled weakly at him, trying to let him know that she had this covered. Yet, one look at him and it only made her remind herself of her errors. But it also made her cheeks slightly flushed. She could admit out loud that the hero was easy on the eyes, and probably would be easier on the eyes if he was not as drained and bruised up as he currently was. And while she could numerate a complete list of what made him attractive in her eyes, she had to concentrate on the green and insane problem that was approaching.

"I shouldn't do this..." She whispered, her eyes still looking at the hero. She was not ashamed of saving the hero, she knew that it was her path to redemption. What she was referring to, was the fact that she shouldn't get in a fight with the Green Goblin in the middle of the villain's hideout. She needed to escape from the literal hell that she and Spider-Man currently found themselves in. Yet even while knowing this, every fiber of her being was telling her to attack the green archnemesis of the arachnid hero right beside her. "But god help me, I wanted to do this for so long"

She stepped out of hiding, her throat already preparing her powers. She immediately saw the Green Goblin preparing his infamous Pumpkin Bomb, the orange bomb already beeping in his hand. But she knew how to handle the man, knew how to derail him from her escape with the injured hero. And right before she saw Green Goblin preparing to throw the bomb, she screamed. Sonic booms echoed through the corridor, making the villain scream in pain and tumbling out of the glider he had. It was also then that the bomb exploded right in the villain's hand, making her shield her eyes as her ears caught the agonizing scream that the villain made.

She could hardly care if the man died because of his own mistakes, he deserved such fate. And while she could use this time to make herself feel good for taking the goblin themed villain down a peg, she moved hastily. She knew that the noise caused by her powers and then by the bomb would catch the attention of her former allies. Which was why she picked Spider-Man once more, accommodated him over her back in a way that would not her as much, and started to walk as fast as she could. She was in a tight position, but she was determined to see this through.

"T-Tha... T-Thank y-you..." She smiled, her heart throbbing against her chest. She had not felt like this in a very long time. Not since she had her brief relationship with Hawkeye, and it made her cheeks flush darkly. She was just glad that he was not able to see her, she would be very embarrassed if he did. She couldn't even begin to explain why she was blushing, especially to the hero that would joke most of the time. But instead of ignoring her feelings, she embraced them. Curious as to where a relationship with the arachnid hero would get her to.

"My pleasure, hotshot" She snarked a bit. She usually did not act this way, and wouldn't be as forward with her wants. She only did so one time with her former partner because she was suffering an aching that only he could resolve at that moment. But she did not have that luxury any longer, or at least not yet. The man was known for teasing and making jokes to his villains, she was sure that he was able to understand the meaning behind her earlier snark. "Maybe treat me to dinner and we can call it even~?"

"S-Sure... W-Why not... J-Just... Just d-don't expect... S-Something fancy" She grinned to herself, new strength surging through her body as she quickened her pace. It actually made her excited, his agreement to dinner made her feel wanted like never before. And to her surprise, it was not long until the two of them found themselves outside of the headquarters of Green Goblin and his team. She was very excited to enjoy dinner with someone once more, with someone that she found attractive on a physical level. She didn't know what would be in store for her future, but she definitely saw that it would be improving drastically from here onwards.

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