Under Preassure (Xiaoyi Chen, aka Iso)

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Xiaoyi Chen, also known as Iso, is one of the members of New Attilan's Security Force. She wanted to think that she did a great job in protecting her home. But when avians attack her home and she is unable to even lift a finger to stop them, she feels useless. But she remembered someone who did manage to protect her home, someone who was willing to head into the battle without so much as to think about the consequences.

She shook her head, trying to forget about past events. She had new orders, to look over the main gate of New Attilan. And she does it with pride, though she was definitely not alone. Flint was also accompanying her. Both of them watched over the multitude of people that were entering through the gates.

"I don't know why is our king trying to imitate those mutants..." She whispered in slight disgust. She clearly remembered the so-called Gala that the mutants did over in Krakoa, with very specific attendees. It made her feel disgusted knowing that their leaders would just pick and choose who got to attend their party. "At least ours is more reserved and with people who have helped us before"

"You don't have to tell me twice. I still remember Queen Medusa muttering angrily just how they trusted A.I.M. and HYDRA to enter their sacred ground and not other heroes like Spider-Man" Flint's comment made her remember the man who had saved their home. She looked away slightly, trying to focus on her job. She was the leader of their Security Force, she had to set an example for the rest of her group. "Spidey! You came!"

"Of course I did, Flint. Wouldn't want to make Luna sad to not see Uncle Spidey!" Iso widened her eyes quite a bit, blushing all around her cheeks as she looked back. She saw Flint and Spider-Man talking, and her heart just throbbed hard against her chest. He had saved her home, which immediately gained her admiration. "Oh! Hey, Iso. Didn't-"

"Perfect timing!" She practically screeched. She would have hit her forehead at her stupidity if she knew that she was also gaining the attention of the rest of the guests. "I've been wanting to have a little chat with you for some time now" She took his wrist with her hand, walking away with the arachnid in tow. She ignored the stares, just looking at Flint, who already knew what she was probably doing if his grin was anything to notice. "Come, we must talk privately"

"Iso, come one! I have to see Luna before she does the eyes!" But she ignored him, dragging him away from the party and into her quarters. It also worked as her office, which was perfect enough to have a decent conversation. She even noticed the arachnid hero sighing as he just let himself be dragged. And it didn't take long for the two of them to be in her quarters, with silence making things even more awkward. "Sorry for dragging you here..."

"No harm done, Iso. Though you have to talk to Luna after this" She chuckled slightly, just imagining Luna Maximoff giving Spider-Man the look. It was making her want to see it before she intervened in the situation. It was mostly her fault for dragging Spider-Man away. "So... What did you want to talk about?"

"It's just that..." She didn't know just how to explain herself. To show him the gratitude she still felt. She had been unable to protect her home, but he did it in her stead. And she would be forever grateful for him doing so. "I have been the leader of the security force of New Attilan for a while, but when the avians attacked us..." She couldn't even say it, her throat not letting her talk. She couldn't even utter the words that she tried to say. "I... I-"

"Why are you being so hard on yourself, Xiaoyi?" She looked at him, mildly surprised that he even knew her name. But she knew that her identity was not hidden, not like his. So she didn't react badly, because she knew that it was a possibility that someone out there may also know her real name. "Don't live off your failures. Just take it a day at a time, and you'll see that everything will be alright"

"A day at a time, huh?" She smiled slightly at the arachnid hero, grateful for his words. People were dead wrong about Spider-Man. The hero was a very understanding man, and an even greater person. He cared way too much. She was almost certain that he was way too good for this world. "That is very kind of you, Spider-Man"

"Think nothing of it, Iso. Just know that you are doing an amazing job protecting Attilan" She smiled, walking closer to him. Her luminescent blue markings shining brightly. She was not using her powers, but the shine they were giving meant something else. She then gave him a kiss on his cheek, though very near where his lips were supposed to be.

"I hope that you are able to hear me out once again when I am like this" She wrapped her arms around his neck. Their faces were almost touching each other. She was enjoying his reactions, his lenses wide in shock and unable to move. And in that moment, she was very tempted to just take off his mask and see who he was underneath it. But she respected him too much to just do so, he had saved her home. "Because I feel more secure when you are around"

"Eh... Sure, I guess?" She kissed him again, though on his other cheek. She finally was able to let him know just how grateful she was for him saving New Attilan those years ago. But maybe, she would need to see him more often. Because this connection she felt through her markings was more than what she expected. It made her feel safe, and she didn't want to lose that kind of security he gave off.

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